Improving Communication in Teams
For teams to function efficiently, it is important to create clear guidelines for
communication amongst the team members. The inability of some members to listen sometimes
arises due to lack of a proper agenda for a group meeting (Thibaut, 2017). Each meeting needs to
be planned in advance and the topic of discussion be communicated to every team member. It is
also important for the leaders of the group to stress the importance of listening at the beginning
of every discussion (Longenecker, Neubert, & Fink, 2007). The group leader should insist that
the members concentrate on the points being made. Besides, the leader can advise the members
to keep their contributions brief and relevant. Such measures can help to increase attentiveness in
the group meetings thus enhancing its effectiveness.
Problems of attitude and ego can be corrected by always insisting on the discussion to be
in line with the agenda of the meeting. It can sometimes be difficult to change people with
attitude and ego because they will insist on turning discussions into arguments that need to be
won (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014). The group leader should try and come to a resolution that
reflects the interests of most members. While it is important to disagree so as to agree, the group
leader should ensure that the discussions are softened and relevant to the goals of the meeting.
It is important for a team/group to establish ground rules for meetings and select the
leaders who will control discussions during meetings. Ground rules are important for ensuring
that the team sticks to its objectives during meetings (Engleberg & Wynn, 2014). They establish
how members will interact with one another, the time that will be given for each contribution,
and insist on the importance of sticking to the objectives of the group. The leaders of a group
guide the group discussions by moderating and solving any disputes that might arise.