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issue in the area. For Memphis to reduce the crime rates in Shelby County, it needs to improve
its education policies to encourage children to attend school, create more jobs for the youths as
well as increase the number of police presence in the crime hotspots.
Crime in Memphis
In Memphis, murder is one of the crimes that is common in the area. According to
statistics provided by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, murder has been on the increase
since 2006. However, in 2017, there was a significant reduction in murder cases within the city.
In 2016, there were 8 cases of murder in the area. However, this reduced to 200 in the following
year. According to Jones, between the period 2016 and 2017, homicide rates in the Shelby
County reduced by 15.6%. The major violent crimes in the area included robberies, aggravated
assaults, murders and rapes. As much as homicides reduced in the county, the case of aggravated
assaults increased overall. Between 016 and 2017, aggravated assault increased by 9.3%. The
increase came their after motor vehicle theft which was at 3.9% and theft offenses which stood at
11.2% increase from 2016 to 2017. Overall, the drop in murder Shelby County is a positive thing
for the residents of the area. However, the overall level of violence in the area remains worrying.
Major operations or rather business cannot run smoothly with such a high rate of crime in the
area. While some crimes reduced, majority of them were increasing in the area showing no
improvement at all.
Looking at other crimes in Shelby County, the second common type of crime is rape.
Over the years, the cases of rape have remained relatively constant. . The primary factor that has
been attributed to the low levels of rape cases in the city is the high level of awareness in the
carried out in the region. Through awareness, it has become possible to encourage a high level of
responsibility between different sexes. Compared to 2016, rape crime rates reduced in 2017 by a