Critically Evaluate Lumina Spark Personality Type

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Critically Evaluate Lumina Spark Personality Type
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Critically Evaluate Lumina Spark Personality Type
Personality type can be defined as placing individuals in a psychological scale that
differentiate ones’ being and persona from other people. Unlike its always mistaken Personality
type is very different from personality traits. Personality trait is the individual character that is
articulated to the manner of behavior and habits. Personality traits are seen to be representatives
of the individual quantitative aspects as opposed to personality type that can be said to portray
the qualitative aspects of the persona. Understanding the human personality type is viewed as the
greatest step one can ever make in trying to understand and be able to appreciate that humanity is
made up of differences. The introverted beings as well as the extroverted should appreciate this
difference and be able to mingle and live in a society that is free from stereotypes and
discriminations. (Jovanovic, 634, 2011)
Allocating individuals types and dividing the according to their traits helps device
mechanisms that are able to understand each one of them well as opposed to looking into
individuals as a group. This helps the society to have an overview on how particular typology of
humans behave or are likely to behave when subjected to a particular treatment. Various
researches have been made trying to group and classify humans according to traits and their
particular temperaments. These classifications then are used in psychology to device mechanisms
of understanding people and treatment programs of their psychosocial problems and ailments.
These psychological and mental ailments resulting from the societal interactions and phenomena
happening around a human being are referred to as psychiatric disorders that amount to treatment
in a medical facility.
In our day to day life the word personality and persona is always overused and its
definition always varies from one understanding to another, but to my amusement psychologist
do not agree to a specific definition of the same. Personality according to this research can be
said to be the personal characteristics behavior patterns and the individual feelings that makes
one a different individual when compared with another.
(Allik et al., 130, 2010) tried to prove that personality traits may change from one
individual to another following the external influence, individual personality remains constant.
For instance a kid born in a humble family is expected to maintain his personality to adulthood
he not being affected by factors such as poverty and lack of food. The kid’s personality can be
great that he might be in possession of a leader’s trait that will always remain in him all through.
For the purpose of understanding the human personality it’s key to comprehend the
characteristics that are associated with it.
Human personality always consistent and organized. Humans who share a personality are
always viewed to behave the same when a similar challenge is subjected to them. Their tackling
of particular social problems and the day to day running of the societal activities correspond.
Human personality can be affected by social and environmental circumstances. At any particular
instance when an individual live, their personality is always within them, but, environmental and
social circumstances can make an individual act as though their personality is compromised.
They can assume a role that can make one confuse who they really are.
Ones personality dictates ones behavior. All human being behave in the manner that they wish
for reasons that are dictated by their personality. It’s always evident that persons with a particular
personality will opt to take a particular path of career in life. To be able to understand the aspects
of personality type there are theories of personal psychology that try to define and give an
elaborate explanation for the same. These theories were developed by the example of Sigmund
Freud and Erik Erikson who are one of the famous psychological thinkers. Some of these
theories focus on one aspect of the personality psychology while others focus on the broad
phenomena of personality.
Biological Theory
According to the theorists and the minds behind these theories, human personality is a
product of the genetic and the biological makeup. Humans are born to assume particular
behaviors whereas others are born to assume various roles in the society. According to them
genes are passed from parents to children and the personality of the parents carried forward to
their kids. This explains why kids are born defiant as opposed to them being made so by the
Hans Eysenck, was the first person to be able to link personality with biological
processes. Esyenck argument was that introverts have a high cortical arousal, making them less
hesitant to engage in arousing acts. On the other hand he believed that the extroverts have a low
cortical arousal that makes them feel comfortable to engage in a more challenging and
demanding activities without feeling less of their engagements.
Behavioral Theories
B. F. Skinner and John B. Watson are the minds behind this theory, they believe that
humans characters are products of the inter personal interactions. Individuals develop personality
after them having been influenced by the environmental and the social factors. The interaction
between people in the society makes them develop a particular form of behavior that leads to
them being swayed to behave in a specific manner.
Psychodynamic Theories
This theory was developed by Sigmund Freud. In his theory Freud stated that personality
is developed by the influence of the psychosexual and the psychosocial aspects of human beings
development. Freud in this theory came up with three aspects of human developments where the
stated that the id, ego, and super-ego form human developmental stages. The id according to him
is the aspect in human development that requires immediate gratification at the time that it is
required. This stage is always common on kids below the ages of individual understanding. The
superego then forms the extreme end of humanity that enables one to focus on the good ideals
and individual morals. Lastly, the ego is the moderator of the two above id and the super-ego.
Humanist Theories
According to Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow humanity develop their character and
personality after realizing themselves. In their theory they stated that an individual will opt to be
‘a particular person’ after getting to a point of self actualization. To them personality is made by
the individual self, the society and the environment have nothing to do with the way an
individual personality turns to be.
Trait Theories
These are theories that have the belief that human or personality psychology is a product
of certain characteristics. These characteristics referred to as traits are extreme human behaviors
that make one. According to Eysenck, the mind behind this theory extroversion, neuroticism, and
psychoticism are the most common traits associated with human personality psychology.
Lumina Spark Portrait in an individualized psychometric tool that is used to enable an
individual to understand his persona, his attributes and how one can easily relate comfortably with
the others as well as participate in groups and stand out to be counted in a crowd. A Lumina Spark
portrait helps an individual to be able to develop professional attributes to lead an organization let
alone other individuals. Using colors this portrait explores personalities and individuals of different
behaviors in any social setting. By implementing this theorem in human resource in any
organization, helps one understand each individual contribution as the colors give a clear picture
of how these individuals behave and will react towards a particular instance. This phenomenon
articulates the presence of a space in between the stimulus and the response an individual has.
(Stewart et al., 2010) After an individual has been faced with a challenge for instance, the time
between the stimulus and the acting towards that stimulus helps them make a vibrant decisions on
the mannerism of behavior. Understanding this spectrum makes one understand the behavioral
pacts that one displays if they are of a particular personality, what motivates them to act in that
manner, what can be their best character and what characters have they never displayed.
Developing the Correct Form of Mind
This is a process of enabling one to focus on his inner being a practice that is aimed at
direction one to his traits that are inborn. The idea behind it is to meditate solely make a belief of
mind and choose a path of behavior. The chosen path then helps one to develop particular behavior
and responses to different challenges and situational analysis. This portrait helps you develop a
particular sense of self worth grab situations that are worth taking and despise and forego those
that are less important in human life. Humanity is always faced with opportunities and challenges
where persons with a strong personality will be the only ones to benefit from their action. Various
instances manifest and personalities procrastinate, act or even behave in response to that situation.
Procrastination can be said to be the killer of time and acting on a certain event can be the only
thing that is remaining to make a great difference between you and your life. (Hecht and Allen,
160, 2005)
Different people view others in accordance to the physical pact that is always deceiving.
Humans are created in a manner that the situations that manifest in their lives makes them behave
in a particular way. Particular personalities will tend to line themselves to a particular pact of
behavior as opposed to those who haven’t chosen their line of thought and personality. Positively
minded individuals will always be in the line of defending their characters as well as maintain a
good rapport with other individuals. (Franklin, 2011)
This report gave a clear understanding and division of people into strata’s color energies
that define different humanities and characters; Yellow energy, red energy, blue energy, and green
energy each according to their characters and behaviors of engagements. (Gustafson, 817 2007)
Yellow energy
This group of people is always enthusiastic and positively minded. One of their major
character traits is that they are outgoing comfortable when meeting new people and always easy
to mingle with others. Imaginary and hypothetical thinking some other sub-traits associated with
fellows that possess the yellow energy. Individuals in this stratum enjoy engaging in theoretical
and abstract discussions.
Red energy
These are the kinds of people who will always stand with what they believe in. they are comfortable
in standing with an opinion that runs in their minds. These people have a tendency of being on the
lead in decision making and choosing a path for the institutions.
Blue energy
Unlike the above groups above the fellows who enjoy much of the blue energy are they that will
opt to spend most times alone. They hardly share their opinions and feelings as well as personal
lives experiences. These people are comfortable alone and their engagement with others is always
limited. They hardly participate in group and team buildings.
Green energy
They are the kind of individuals whose opinions acts and decisions are internalized first before
letting them out to the public. They engage in smooth conversation and in the case of conflicts
resolutions they are the most diplomats and handle the issue at hand for the favor of all the parties
in conflict.
Each Personality under Pressure.
Yellow energy
The individuals who possess this kind of energy when subjected to pressure is always so
disorganized, spiteful and full of errors and mistakes. When pressure exceeds these individuals
become ineffective and less bizarre.
Red energy
This is the group of people that when under pressure will always turn the situation into a
conflict zone trying to control every aspect of the pressure. They act bossy in trying to meditate
this situation and they end up being authoritative, and over bearing. When pressure becomes
uncontrollable for them to handle they turn into conflict and fight.
Blue energy
Under pressure blue energy will opt to seclude themselves from the major groups and dive
into seclusion and privacy. They will try to avoid conversations with other members of the group
since they have less interacting skills. They will opt to go deeper into the issue at hand try to
understand the root causes and the likely mitigation factors that might be most relevant. They will
look for information and data to mitigate the circumstances. They will be slow to make decisions
and conclusions to matters that are in need of urgent intervention.
Green energy
According to (Martin-Alcazar, Romero-Fernandez and Sanchez-Gardey, 2011), this group
of people can automatically become void in a situation that requires them to make a quick
judgment. These individuals will be unable to make a decision when the group requires them. They
will always be unable to say yes or no to sway the inconclusive decision or take a side. In human
resource management there are situations that helps one invest in oneself. Having the ability to
provide engagement and service to the group and institutional advice is investing in oneself making
you a gain advantage later in the year.
There are human aspects that help one gain advantage over the others and be seeded out of
the entire group of million individuals these aspects are;
Extravagance- this is the ability of an individual to engage positively and always provide a way
for the institution follow. Individuals of this caliber are resourceful and always give directions in
human resource management.
Outcome focused these are individuals who have a way and show the way for others to lead. They
are very strong in maintaining their stand and always never give room for distortion.
Big Picture Thinker these individuals have a vivid picture in mind of what they want for their
future, the future of the company as well as the groups they form part. They are visionary and
belief in group work as well as individual drive.
Inspiration Driven they are the kinds of individuals who will always take chance of the
opportunity that has manifested itself fast and swift. These individuals are they that will be
advantaged by an opportunity or likely lose all their earnings to scams. These individuals risk their
investments easily and without a send thought.
Introverts these are individuals who always incorporate their hearts and emotions into their day
to day life. These individuals spend most of their times doing their individuals activities, they
hardly mingle with others and when hard situations manifest they are likely on the receiving end
since pain stress and seclusion is their pact.
Down to Earth- individuals are they that hardly accept what their mind has to offer at any particular
point in life. These individuals believe that intervention from others is always the best. They don’t
believe what they do and don’t accept what their thoughts.
The Personas Generated By Lumina Spark Model
Lumina learning have always been loved and its application in HRM is always
tremendous and greatly valued. The application of Lumina spark model has always been an over
rule of other psychometric too. Its focus is always in three psychometric tests: Lumina
application is always different in the view of humans. It doesn’t fix individuals I the box like any
other psychometric tool, which is called trait. Secondly the Lumina model doest focus on choice
of preferences but embraces a model it calls embracing paradox. The model focuses on the
individual’s ability to maneuver over the daily activities as opposed to the broad focus of
personality by other models. Lastly the Lumina measure the individual persona. It’s always
generates the three personas as discussed above. In its application in human resource
management Lumina spark model can be viewed to create an uniquely blend of an individual
character who is free from stereotype, clear communication as well as the individual ability to
remember his primary color classification.
Lumina Spark Portraits is and overall model of identifying and grouping individuals with
personality types to groups that help HRM device programs and strategies in an organization. This
model merge creates the 3 Personas including: Overextended, Everyday and Underlying. The
merge bring out the personality who is skillful, team player and an independent individual who
will perfectly match any social and human resource setting.
Critique and Biasness of Lumina Spark Model
The psychometric tool has a critiques and its application in human resource management is
always faced with some setbacks. The model is very theoretical in its application and its
assumption is individual can easily be classified according to groups of thinking and behavior.
The Luminas according to the model creates individuals with different abilities and behaviors.
The tool doesn’t include the individuals whose characters and behaviors are hardly understood
and not easily portrayed to the public. This model has always been so focused on the individual
behavior and creating a persona and hardly do the Lumina focus on the overall individual
Validity and Reliability
This psychometric tool is fully reliable, validated and its application using any institution and a
human resource management department is possible. The learning and adoption of this
psychometric tool can be done through a series of activities that may include; short term
presentations, a broad and well spread range of trainings and courses to the subjects under training.
The method of personality development can also be achieved through inspirational coaching.
Personality is the innermost being that is always brought to the face of other humanity through a
challenge. Humans will behave differently when circumstances manifest in response to what lies
beneath them. Theories have tries to explain the rationale behind the individual stratification as
in personality psychology, what makes different individual and the components of personality
Jovanovic, V. (2011). Personality and subjective well-being: One neglected model of personality
and two forgotten aspects of subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences,
50(5), pp.631-635.
Allik, J., Realo, A., Mõttus, R. and Kuppens, P. (2010). Generalizability of selfother agreement
from one personality trait to another. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(2), pp.128-132.
Franklin, L. (2011). Particular and Universal: Hypothesis in Plato's Divided Line. Apeiron,
Stewart, G., Darnold, T., Zimmerman, R., Parks, L. and Dustin, S. (2010). Exploring how
response distortion of personality measures affects individuals. Personality and Individual
Differences, 49(6), pp.622-628.
Gustafson, G. (2007). Energy conservation and pomeron loops in high energy evolution.
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 37(2c), pp.816-818.
Martin-Alcazar, F., Romero-Fernandez, P. and Sanchez-Gardey, G. (2011). Effects of Diversity
on Group Decision-Making Processes: The Moderating Role of Human Resource Management.
Group Decision and Negotiation, 21(5), pp.677-701.
Hecht, T. and Allen, N. (2005). Exploring links between polychronicity and well-being from the
perspective of personjob fit: Does it matter if you prefer to do only one thing at a time?.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 98(2), pp.155-178.

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