Crypto currency 3
The block chain contains all information on the transactions which are logged by each
user in the interconnection. For instance, information on time, date, participants and amount of
every single transaction is available in the block chain. The connected nodes have access to the
block chain whilst the bit coin minors assess and verify the transactions through mathematical
calculations. Further, the arithmetics involved in the transactions allow the interconnected nodes
to have correct and efficient information which flow automatically and in a right sequential
manner. When wrong information on a certain transaction is inputted, it would be easily be
recognized by the interconnected nodes before they become processed in the block chain. Thus it
is evident that in every transaction, the nodes have to agree on the given information, for
example the date and time; in doing so, a certain transaction can be verified by the nodes through
the block chain.
According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), unbanked is a
population which includes adults who do not have an account at a bank or in another financial
institution. Most of the unbanked people do not have trust in the commercial banking system.
Cryptocurrency can facilitate the unbanked for instance by enabling them to conduct financial
transactions anywhere and in an efficient manner better than the traditional banking model.
The pros of using cryptocurrency is that it is highly confidential and that it doesn’t have
high bureaucracy levels which are normally in banks and other financial institutions.
Cryptocurrency is also a convenient and efficient mode especially while carrying out huge
transactions. Bitcoin users are also able to manipulate on the value that each unit of bitcoin
represents, for instance a unit can represent a given amount of dollars, award credits or company
shares. Another advantage is that a bitcoin is highly divisible and each specific unit represents a