their ideas amongst themselves. The blind spot is based on idea or problem that directly collides
equally between two personalities. Facade deals on political and untrustworthiness covered by
individuals for personal interest without considering other parties rights. Lastly, Unknown deals
mostly on misunderstanding i.e. in couples which leads to fights and collusions triggered by
confusion as everyone operates by his own.
4.Diversity, Culture Competency and Ending Disparities in the 21
Century Medical
The topic aims at establishing better methods in regard to health sector. It is established that there
exist healthy disparities in terms of race and ethnicity. Moreover, the education level of patients is
addressed and invites a need for patient to express themselves word by word. In regard to
disparities and their termination, it is proposed to incorporate the civil and health care skills in
curriculum of all medical experts. Attempts to stop heath disparities have been established by
certain organizations and several government policies have been put in place. Some of these
organizations include; Commission to End Health Care Disparities(CEHCH), American Medical
Association (AMA) and many others.
5.Competency-Is it the Third Wave of diversity?
The topic is oriented is people’s definition of culture. Many united states people argue of full
knowledge of culture in bases of foods and holidays which is basically wrong. It is established that
culture is full awareness and understanding about ethic, gender, identity and religious group in the
entire society. Culture emerged in three phases since 1970s. The first waves incorporated the
women and the blacks in which they were the new entrants to workforce. The second wave was
based on equality to all with the slogan (don’t ask don’t tell). The last and the modern wave is the