curiosity is interpreted to be very high. Such persons do not satisfy their curiosity by just getting
closer to understanding what they want to know. They continue to push for more details about
the event in question even after getting closer to understanding their cause of curiosity.
Curiosity is directly proportional to real life leadership as it has a significant influence on
those who are leaders. Firstly, it influences how they perceive real-life situations and how they
can approach these situations to solve the life problems that are encountered by people. People
who are curious at different levels will have different approaches to life problems, and especially
when they are leaders, they will have different leadership approaches from one another (Kashdan
& Steger 2007). A moderately curious person will not adopt the same leadership approaches with
another person whose level of curiosity is very high.
A little curiosity is good because it enables a leader to work and cannot remain dormant
without doing anything concerning the problems that the people he or she leads are facing.
However, too much curiosity might be dangerous to a leader because they may end up not
looking for a solution to a problem but rather take a long lifetime wondering about the issue.
This is because they cannot get rid of their curiosity even after they have established that there is
a problem. For instance, a leader who is faced with the problem of insecurity or terrorism to
solve needs to be moderately curious. If the people are faced with the issue of insecurity, the
leader is only entitled to understanding that there is insecurity among his or her people (Langer
2016). This should make them curious to find out the possible causes of the insecurity after
which they embark on fighting the vice to promote peace.
However, if the leader has too much of curiosity, if they are faced with the problem of
insecurity, they will establish that there is terrorism who are interfering with the peace of people,
but they will not act promptly. If they get to understand the issue of hand, they will continue to