We all read about polls, studies, surveys and experiments in the news. Where do they come
from? What do number mean? Why do they seem that “they” ask someone else? Can you trust
their conclusions?
Most of the polls, studies, surveys and experiments are carried out by different organisations
e.g. Pew Research Centre, based on their interest or what is trending during the specified period.
For instance, during election period polls are carried so as to determine who is most preferred
candidate to rule at that specific moment based on various people’s opinion. Also, experiments
are carried out by researchers to examine the effect of one variable to another e.g. the most
common experiment carried out is the impact of smoking to lungs. Surveys are done by most
organisation as a way of coming out with a conclusion e.g. how do you spend your money in a
month? This is a survey which is aimed at study behavioural finance on various.
The numbers which are generated after the study or poll is carried out shows the
characteristics of the data collected or the result of the experiment. The mean of the data shows
the average of the data collected, Median shows the middle number of the collected data
whereas Mode shows the most occurring number in the data. Standard Deviation measures the
variability of how data are spread from the mean. The researchers always seem to ask other
people since they aim at representing the population and thus samples have to be carried out
from the population so that they can draw conclusion on the whole population. Most of the
conclusion that the researchers come with cannot be trusted since the sampling method they use
are bad and biased. Most researchers use convenience sample method whereby they reach
members of the population whom they are easy to reach and of whom they are comfortable with.
This tend to produce biased conclusion. Also using voluntary response sampling e.g. when the
survey is carried out only people with strong opinion are likely to respond and this will make the