Data Security

Running head: DATA SECURITY 1
Data Security
The data breach by Albert Gonzalez in 2008 that compromised over 130 million credit card users
of the Heartland Payment Systems went down as the largest cybercrime in history and a turning
point in Data security. Data security is a primary concern for most online users as both
intelligence and cyber criminals participate actively in cybercrime. Data is the most valuable asset
in the current digital era, and many cyber criminals exploit the vulnerabilities of data websites to
gain access to such information for personal gain. Most organizations rely on websites for the
safekeeping of sensitive data, but cyber criminals exploit loopholes such as SQL inject bugs and
unauthorized access to gain access to their servers, steal data and later use it to commit fraud. In
response, software engineers have come up with applications and database auditing to curb
cybercrime. While applications are effective, database auditing does not allow for real-time
response to potential cyber-attacks. Additionally, merging data access systems and privacy issues
remains a major obstacle for software engineers. Most people use mobile devices to conduct both
their personal lives and professional lives through social media networks and applications which
leave them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Therefore, there is the need for increased awareness
towards data security threats and more stringent measures to safeguard the security of online
Key words: SQL inject bugs, data auditing, access control, role authorization, data
In late 2008, the 28-year old Albert Gonzalez led a team of identity thieves and stole an
approximate 130 million credit card numbers from Heartland Payment Systems which is the sixth
largest credit card processor in the United States. Gonzalez, a former secret service informant in
computer crime, combined efforts with his friends to identify and exploit weaknesses at the
Heartland Payment Systems and later to steal from millions of unsuspecting Americans.
Heartland Securities discovered the illegal activity in 2009 and also admitted that they were
unaware of how long the malware had remained in their system. On August 2009, Gonzalez
pleaded guilty to the charge and 19 other charges, and in July 2010 the Senate proposed the Data
Security Act of 2010 which would hold organizations responsible for sensitive data. A recent
report by WikiLeaks indicates that both organizations and cyber criminals are responsible for the
increased levels of cyber security.
In the current digital era, data has become one of the most valuable resources to
humankind. With the ever increasing challenges and threats of maintaining and protecting data,
enterprises are faced with a tough task. According to the Data Protection Act, developers have a
responsibility to ensure the protection of personal information (Calder & Steve 2005). The
database is the most widely used platform to store data since it allows for easy access and
maintenance of data. However, the database also is also vulnerable to breaches at four main levels
which include database and system developers, employees and developers, and security officers.
A person who seeks to breach a database is an attacker, and they can take the position of an
insider, intruder or an administrator. Additionally, attacks can be either passive or active and or,
direct or indirect.
The United States government is becoming increasingly concerned following the
numerous cases of databases security threats experienced worldwide. The core purpose of the
database security system is to ensure that only authenticated users gain access to the said
database. The Privacy Rights House which started tracking data security activity in 2005 reports
that over 345 million customer records have either been stolen or lost due to data security issues.
In turn, the cost of a data breach has gone as high as 202 USD for every customer record. In 2009,
the largest data breach in history was perpetrated by three hackers who used the SQL injection to
exploit a vulnerability stealing 130million debit and credit card information. Matwyshyn asserts
that 75 percent of data breaches are conducted by outsiders against a mere 20 percent from within
the organization (2009). Most cyber criminals who use unauthorized personnel to gain access to
information include government personnel, competitors and in-house personnel seeking to gain
access to trade secrets and intellectual properties among other sensitive information (Fitzpatrick
& Dilullo 307). 91 percent of data breaching is also linked to criminal groups and activities.
The current digital society exposes online users to potential cyber-attacks with both
intelligence and cyber criminals breaching data security for different reasons with the use of easy
steps such as unauthorized access and SQL inquiries, and therefore, there is need for more
stringent measures to protect individuals from potential data breach.
Hacking by unauthorized users and malware such as the SQL injecttion are responsible
for most hacking incidences, in spite of the fact that both are preventable and common knowledge
among the software engineering community. According to Bernik, the high number of individuals
using digital platforms has made it more difficult to curb digital crimes in the society. Therefore,
there is a dire need to increase awareness and emphasis on data security strategies. It is also
notable that it is not only criminals who are responsible for hacking activities. Recently, the
WikiLeaks groups released voluminous files disclosing how intelligence organizations carry out
carry hacking activities to gain access to individual personal data such as mobile phones and
personal computers ((MacAskill, Thielman, and Oltermann, 2017). CIA has further automated the
malware so as to gain direct access to such mobile devices (Heisler, 2017).
Authorized Access
The central role of a database is to ensure that only authorized users to obtain access to an
individual database at authorized times. Therefore, the database security system operated by
providing controlled and protected access to authorized users. The fundamental principle of the
database system was the authentication of users which has since proven inadequate given the
rising incidences of hacking leading to the loss of sensitive data. It is, therefore, evident that there
database security system still challenges an insurmountable degree of threats and challenges
which need to be addressed and solutions devised to address the problem (Shen, 2013). One of the
most widespread methods used to protect is limiting data access through authentication, access
control, and authorization. Such provisions often grant rights to specific objects and users. One
widely used strategy is the use of usernames and passwords.
Access Control
Access control is another method employed in database security. The access control
allows objects and users to perform various actions which might include read, edit, delete and
update as well as other SQL enabled functions. Control limits refer to objects and actions limited
to specific users. Objects to database security include table, columns and SQL objects such as
stored procedures and views. Examples of data actions will include update, delete, insert and read.
For example, a student will be allowed the read-only mandate to an online class’s database.
Access control can is three dimensions which include Mandatory Access Control, Role-Based
Access Control, and Discretionary Access Control. An example of the MAC is when a faculty
member is allowed the read-only function for a particular course. The DAC, on the contrary, will
allow access to read only for access to the faculty database but only to certain courses. The most
effective access control is the Role Based Access control is the most effective database security
control which provides access to analogous functions. The system identifies various objects and
operations and proceeds to assign access to various roles. Therefore, the user receives automated
privileges depending on the roles. For example, the student receives the read only mandate while
the head of the faculty receives privileges such as updating, editing and creating content on the
database among others. The process of granting users privileges based on their roles abide by the
procedure listed below;
The access control module requires the ability to revoke and grant privileges. The
implementation of these privileges requires the correspondence with certain SQL statements. For
example, the process of creating different roles assigned to various users requires the database
administrator to create the various roles for the faculty members and assigning various privileges
to each of these users. Therefore, the user is automatically granted various privileges provided
they are assigned the role of the database administrator.
Figure 1. Granting Role Authorization
Similarly, the revoking strategy eliminates various users from certain authorization roles.
This might include allowing certain user’s access to certain objects or authorization roles. Once
the roles are revoked, the members of the faculty will be denied access to certain roles.
Figure 2. Revoking role authorization
However, certain data security issues still arise from this strategy. While revoking and
granting role authorization is a pretty facile, the management of these roles is the real task. The
effective functioning of the access control system calls for continuous management (Sales, 2010).
The access control modules operate under the general rule that the most restrictive set of
privileges is assigned to absolutely authorized tasks. In addition to the fact that building the
access control system is a complex task, users in an organization change their roles constantly,
therefore, calling for constant monitoring which is hefty.
SQL inquiry
Data holes is another leading source of data threats which enables attacks to launch their
attacks using applications such as SQL injection. According to the SQL inject principle, the
attacker deceives the database to execute unauthorized functions by adding extra information on
the standard authorized SQL command. Such applications are executed at the end of inquiry
statements used in application programs. The SQL inject exploits the incompetency on the part of
the programmer who fails to detect such as vulnerability or complete the SQL sequence.
Therefore, the attacker submits malicious inquiries so as to deceive the server to execute certain
malicious function so as to gain the control of the entire website in the long run (Fitzpatrick &
Dilullo, 2015). The SQL thrives on the fact that when inputting information from subscribers,
limited verification is conducted which is used directly in the generation of SQL commands.
Process of SQL attack and method
The SQL attack involves a sequence of events before the user finally gains full control of
the server. The first step is a trial in which the attacker uses design inputs to inject the SQL in
application programs (Monahan, 2010). Consecutively, information is then imported from the
server to gain control of the implementation programs. This information is then used to gain
access to obtain the authority of the server’s administration, thus full control of the server.
SQL inject bugs
The discovery of an SQL inject bug is often the first step leading to further attack. The
attackers begin by identifying the aim of the database so as to establish the type of SQL inject bug
appropriate for the attack. The most commonly applied SQL inject bugs include the additional of
single quotes or characters at the end of the initial command inquiry. The database provided a
prompt message which enables the hacker to identify there is an SQL inject bug available for the
system. Another common type of bug is the Push `and 1=1` and `and 1=2 at the end of the inquiry
command. If the 1=1` stay regular and `and 1=2` go wrong, it means that there is a bug which the
hacker can exploit. With the use of the discovered bug, the hacker proceeds to conduct illegal
inquiries and malicious functions after identifying the assaultable bugs. Also, attackers can
discover inject bugs by simply discerning the build in the variable of the database and its function.
After identifying the bugs, the hacker proceeds to use the bugs to cause limitless data
security breaches which includes obtaining confidential information, and taking control of both
the server and the data base. With the acquisition of the bug, the user has access to information on
the server which they can use to their advantage so as to get whatever information they want from
the site. The first step that the user takes is to speculate and obtain both the table name and the
user name. The hacker uses the command `and (select count(*) from TestDB.dbo.tablename)>0;
to speculate the table name. If the information is available on the server, the webpage goes back
as it was and therefore the hacker’s activity goes unnoticed. After obtaining the table name and
and the field name the attacker uses ASCII word-by-word to decode the field value, after which
they have access to usernames, passwords and all other information available on the database
(Spivey & Echeverria, 2015). Therefore, those who use the SQL inject bugs aim for the
authentication of the administrator which later allows them to add Trojans to the webpages,
contrary to other methods which only target the account numbers of the users on the database.
Data Inference
Another threat to data security is inference. Inference refers to the ability to derive
unknown information from known information. The leading concern is that there is no absolute
solution to this problem. Alternatives include concealing information during queries and offering
information that is not completely accurately so that they user cannot use the information to come
up with the information that is not provided. In some instances, the user does not intend to derive
the individual’s data, but since the aggregate data is readily available, the user proceeds to derive
data using the provided data. The example is given that of an employee with access to the
remuneration criteria used in the organization (Lee, 2002). Based on the classification of various
job groups, the employee can successfully determine the income of their colleague. Alternatively,
if an employee is denied access to a certain application on the organization's database, they will
infer that section contains certain information with the potential to cause the organization harm.
The procedure for determining solutions to data inference is extremely complex. The
solution revolves around revoking a user’s access to various applications based on their previous
history. The leading challenge to this solution is that there is a delay between the time of query
and the implementation of the revocation (Iovan, 2016). Another challenge is coming up with an
appropriate response when such as query is detected.
Database Auditing
Data auditing and applications are some of the solutions to data security threats and
challenges. Database auditing allows for tracking of the user’s activities on the database. Among
its functions includes identifying who accessed the website, the actions performed as well as data
changed. Although the system does prevent breaches, it enables the administrator to recognize if
breaches have occurred. Categories of database auditing include monitoring database access
attempts, Data Definition Language, Data Control Language and Data Manipulation Language
(Hu, Fei, et al., 2008). For example monitoring access retains information on both successful
login and logoff attempts on the database.
The leading challenge to database auditing is deciding how much information should be
retained and for what duration. A basic data trail will keep track of users, changes to the database
as well as a number of sources used to gain access to the site. Additionally, it also enables the
administrator to track the user’s activities on the database. The most commonly accessed
information on the data trail include access attempts, data accessed and modifications, attempts to
make changes in violation of the database policies as well as unsuccessful attempts to access data
on the website. Another challenge to the database auditing system is that it denies the opportunity
to address the possible data breaching in a timely manner. Essentially, the database auditing
system requires the analysis of the data collected, thus leading to a time gap between the point of
security breach and time of discovery (Collins, 2014). Although solutions are being devised to
come up with real-time notifications of such violations to the administrators, it is far from reality.
On the contrary, applications are more effective in the prevention of data breach. Most
users do not access a database directly but rather with the use of an application program.
Application programs use a security matrix that allows for both input and output sources.
According to Tong, the security matrix is advantageous since they apply visuals which make it
easier to identify any data breaches to the system (2008). Changing one aspect of the security
matrix results in consecutive changes to other aspects of the application which requires
authorization to become effective.
In spite of the numerous attempts and milestones achieved in data security, insider threat
remains a leading concern with limited solutions. The purpose of the access control mechanism is
to allow subjects access to certain objects so as to perform specific actions. The access control
decision executed by the access control system is monitors permitted access on the grounds of
time, location, access and time. Access control models restrict data access through user identity
attributes, locations, the purpose of data usage and time periods. However, these access control
models leave one issue unattended, the reconciliation of access control with privacy, and the
application of access control models in social networks and mobile devices. The access control
models require private information such as the user’s location and their user identity attributes.
According to Bertino, such information exposes the user to privacy breaches as well as
the potential spear phishing attacks because access control models rely on the cloud for data
management (2012). Therefore, maintaining data control while at the same time protecting the
privacy rights remains a leading challenge to the elimination of data security threats and
challenges. Users are particularly concerned about the safety of both their personal and contextual
information. The concerns of the public are on the rise as most people rely on both social
networks and mobile devices to run both their personal and professional life. However, unlike in
the cases of databases where there are data access control models responsible for monitoring of
data, the mobile devices are responsible for control, and it is difficult to establish whether the
mobile devices play this function effectively (Bernik, 2014).
Conclusively, data security threats and challenges are on the rise with both organizations
and individuals participating actively in cybercrimes such as hacking. While organizations such as
CIA attribute their data breaching to security concerns, individuals such as Albert Gonzalez use
such skills for their personal gain. The nature of the digital technology has made it increasingly
easy for individuals to breach data security. Database which are used to store large volumes of
data have become the primary target of attackers. Attacks can be both direct and indirect with
many attackers exploiting weaknesses on data bases such as SQL inject bugs to hack into other
There are several solutions in place for data breaching some of which include application
and data auditing systems. While applications are almost effective, they fail to address the issue of
privacy in relation to data access control. The data audit system enables administrators to
recognize unauthorized activity in the system. However, the greatest shortcoming is that it does
not allow for a real-time response as the administrator relies on data analysis to recognize a data
breach. Therefore, these systems are still undergoing reviews to come up with effective systems.
Personal and contextual information of online users faces a heightened risk to data breach
which results from the increased reliance of mobile devices and social networks. Security
agencies such as the CIA also conduct data breaching in the name of security against terrorist
activities. Most mobile users rely on their personalized devices for a wide range of activities, both
personal and professional. Therefore, the lack of reliable data security controls places these users
at a great risk of cyber-attacks. It is imperative that there is a widespread awareness on the
menace that is data security and that the responsible bodies implement more stringent measures to
curb cyber-crimes.
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