black community that presently demand and expect greater responsibility from their government
(Diamond, 2013). In line with this assumption, arguably, democratization of Africa would
promote development.
Despite the African people significant efforts towards democracy, opponents argue that
this is not the appropriate period to champion for democracy in Africa. For instance, Diamond
(2013) notes that the democratization in the Arab world, such as Libya and Egypt would
jeopardize the delicate peace in the states or threatens the American security associations in the
war of terror. A focus of the African countries, especially Arab states should maintain political
stability as well as economic development and maybe sometime in the future, when they boast an
increased middle class, then it would be safe to champion for democracy. Further democracy in
Africa would increase the doubt on sustainability for the people. In fact, from the era of the
European colonial domination, critics that included policymakers and writers questioned the
travel of democracy outside the European nations. They never examined whether other religions
and cultures would withstand democracy in addition to whether it represented the interest of the
west to have other states under governance on the foundations of electoral process that would
potentially marshal the interests of the growing middle class. In spite of this skepticism, Inglehart
and Welzel (2009) argues that democracy appeared during the post-WW II period in some third
world countries, such as Costa Rica, Sri Lanka and Botswana, but the decolonized nations
speedily established an dictatorial forms of governance.
More broadly, the success of some states in the Asian regions that experienced speedy
economic growth achieved popular dominion and political accountability. Lack of democracy
has led to poor economic growth of African countries that failed to make democracy work. Even
if most observers settled that dictatorships remained the better bet for development, and that