Surname 3
While in prison he wrote a book explaining his plans for Germany. Since then, Nazis took
advantage of the economic crisis and condemned the government and the Versailles peace treaty.
They decided to stick to the law and let elections give them the power. By 1930, NSDAP had
increased votes to 6.4 million. The party gained its popularity and strength due to its
programmes. Germans were attracted to the young and quite leaders unlike the old politicians,
and in the process, Hitler gained a considerable following. He was ready to unite Germans and
end the political differences.
Notably, Nazis attracted people from all walks of life such as the workers, believers and
many others. By 1932 the party was at to its peak, the economy was recovering, and the votes
decreased by 11% compared to the previous year (Lederman & Shmuel 20). The minority
parties that did not gather enough votes pressured Paul to appoint Hitler as a chancellor for their
self-interest which later would turn into a disaster to the public. In 1933, Paul gave in and
appointed Hitler chancellor, and suggestive disaster quotes immediately started to be written
around. Despite people not voting Hitler he still gained power legally, and the National
Socialists were delighted that they celebrated their victory which Hitler approved. Hitler still was
far from being extremely powerful, so he appointed two cabinets of which took control of the
police force of Prussia, the most substantial part of Germany. Nazis saw it as a way to celebrate
their revolution, but most of the Germans did not like the news. They did not expect the new
government to last for long because historically, they had experiences of a government coming
into power and leaving soon for another.
Hitler accumulated more power. The fire broke in the parliament building, guards
noticed and the caught the suspected culprit, Dutch communist and he was executed before any
evidence was found to be rendered guilty. Nazi leaders arrived in the scene, and they claimed