It is evident that each year hundreds of thousands of people are affected by disasters, if
not millions, with no regard to religion, race , gender or age; these disasters have amplified in
both the magnitude and intensity as well as in numbers, the main causes of the sharp rise are
mainly man made , by man made these are disasters that mainly arise due to human activities
directly, this activities either accelerates the disaster or facilitates a ground for outburst such
activities includes deforestation, nuclear reactions, chemical accidents, war, conflicts and the
refugee crisis. The second cause for theses disasters to occur is the natural occurrences; in this
category these are factors that no man has control over this includes hurricanes, wildfires,
Famine, drought, floods, earthquakes etc. (AL Westling, 2008).
When disasters strike they call for rapid emergencies and humanitarian response,
predictions estimates that in the next 30 to 40 years disasters will escalate by almost 50%in,
number, magnitude, intensity and severity. The surge in the numbers of disasters have
illuminated the weaknesses in affected and inhibiting population, the vulnerabilities are exposed
by the urgency by which these people require reinforcement of emergency services, and
humanitarian support ranging from well-wishers, Non-governmental organizations [NGOs],
United Nations and governments; all these bodies have played a role in helping and supporting
the affected region by facilitating logistics for delivery of basic human needs like food, shelter,
water, education ,medical equipment’s , drugs and medicines (Perry, 2005).
The nature of the cyclic natural disasters and the probability of re occurrence there is
need to for countries to be prepared to handle these catastrophes. Demonstrates that the
humanitarian agencies have formulated approaches to the cyclic nature of these disasters and
recommends governments to align the relevant institutions according to strategies and policies
laid out (Susan G Conard, 2018).
The approaches to the vicious cycle of the disasters formulated by the humanitarian
agencies are identifiable by the following management stages: preparation, response, mitigation,
recovery and continuity of normal livelihood of the affected society. Humanitarian agencies
often oversees the preparatory and response stages, activities in the mitigation stages are those
actions that are put in place to scale down and eliminate the chances of occurrence of a new
disaster or any further escalation of the current state of disaster (Deaton, 2018).
The preparatory stage mainly is constituted by mechanisms to handle factors that cannot
be scaled down, scheduling of response as well as resource availing before the striking of a
disaster. The thorough mull over of the previous occurrences avails the much soughed, required,
and needed knowledge and strategies on preparation and mitigation steps to be taken to offer the
most efficient and effective response to any type of disaster or identify the most suitable
response (Deaton, 2018, p. 6).
In a handful of cases, the optimal solutions mainly aims at the critical weakness within a
community, hypothesized this concept and deduced weakness and vulnerability and further noted