Study questions
1. What are the major components of “War on terrorism” which have largely restricted
Arabs and Muslims in America?
2. How war has on terrorism with relationship to unauthorized immigrants has affected
laws concerning immigrants’ attainment of legalization of immigrants’ citizenship?
3. There was a lot of military policing after setting laws for restriction of unauthorized
immigrants for state security, what legal channels do these people undergo for
4. What is the trend in unauthorized immigrants in America after the regulation laws
with concern to the September 11 deaths?
5. How much does the intensity of laws on Arab and Muslim immigrants affect
American economic relationship internationally?
6. To what extend does the components of “war on terrorism” laws promote
discrimination of immigrants basing on race?
7. What might have been the effectiveness of laws on war on terrorism with effect to
immigrants operation in America?
8. How does the government use detainment process in covering the expanded budget in
the recent fiscal years?
9. How might the war on terrorism affect future decision on immigrants’ policy making?
10. How significant is the process of limiting immigrant freedom to the requirements of
human right departments in handling of detainees?