Diverse Workforce
As people work in various organizations, they mingle with others with different traits and
beliefs from what they revere. When an organization manages to enhance diversity as people
work, it achieves numerous benefits which are not achievable in other areas. Firstly, considering
that people have different skills, a diverse workforce enables them to learn from each other.
Therefore, the productivity of the workforce improves. Secondly, such a practice builds the
reputation of the management and the company. Importantly, the commitment of workers
improves among other benefits (Robertson, 2006).
When a company is trying to maintain a diverse workforce, it is essential to utilize the
appropriate, legal, and ethical management approaches. The primary objective behind such a
move is to ensure that everything happens within what the law stipulates as well as keeping an
organization free from breach of ethical and corporate social responsibility (CSR) expectations
(Thomas & Plaut, 2008). Hence, it is a way to avoid both internal and external conflicts that can
derail the achievement of objectives. Above all, it preserves and improves the reputation of a
company in a competitive world.
By and large, maintenance of a diverse workforce should be a principal objective for
every organization. Indeed, it is one way of ensuring that a company is safe from any
reputational damage internally and externally since employees work together without conflicting
unnecessarily. Therefore, it will undoubtedly foster a harmonious workforce that can work
towards a common objective. Another vital role it plays is to create a balanced work environment
that considers the contribution of various cultures hence building the spirit of inclusivity.
Apparently, it makes everyone feel appreciated and energized to work.