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Title: Domestic Terrorism and the U.S Government Response
Domestic terrorism in a conference to Section 802 of USA Patriot Act, is defined an act
that is intended to intimidate the population of the civilians, to influence or even have an impact
on the government policies and in any way affect the conduct of the government through mass
destruction. The U.S government may be doing too much to protect the citizens from another
attack. The concept of "hand-wringing" has been sustained, which followed the former National
Security Agency contractor outraging that, the agency would secretly collect information from
the citizen's phone. This is a violation of the USA freedom Acts which terminates the bulk
collection of private data by the government from the citizen's phones, including that from
emails and phones (Gao). Beyond expectations, in 2011, the C.I.A illegally hacked the Senate
computers with a claim of investigating the agency. This, therefore, would be termed as too
much as people's privacy and freedom are being violated.
The National Security Agency (NSA) should not have a role in domestic surveillance of
citizens in the United States. The agency should not be embedded in collecting internet and
phone data, as it has caused mixed feeling on the citizens regarding government surveillance.
Below is a summary of American views on NSA surveillance.