he defined and restated as epics of his work. The definition incorporates what people
comprehend on addicted individuals to cocaine, alcohol, and heroin. It invokes what alcoholics
anonymous imply when it comes to professional drug treatment, psychologists, and physicians
Rawson et al., 2015). The scholar regarded addiction as tragic, destructive, and painful. He
parted from several Health professionals traced in America by establishing that addiction is not a
narcotic addiction and therefore, not a disease. Furthermore, Alexander emerged to argue that
recent scientific medical treatment is spectacularly unsuccessful in the context of preventing or
curing drug addiction in individuals.
Precisely, the meaning of addiction in his scholarly is not only focused on drug addiction.
It furthered elaborates on overwhelming, which he considered harmful engagements regarded to
any pursuit in any whatsoever manner. And it implies a dependency to ….'' Gambling, love,
power-seeking, religious or political zeal, work, food, video game playing, internet, surfing,
pornography seeking, and shopping’’ ( Yevarouski, 2017). The addiction, he came up with took
personal life aspects such as spiritual, social, emotional, behavioral, conscious, and intellectual.
The addictions cause severe addiction that resembles that of alcohol usage and dependencies
(Lewish, 2017). In other cases, he accepted vocabularies regarding recovery programs and
conventional treatment of drugs. Additionally, he stated that overwhelming might entail startling
blindness of the addiction harm aptly he regarded as a denial.
Bruce expanded on a suggestion on his phenomena on overwhelming behavior. He
suggested that many instances involved in drug addiction are not a single habit involvement. It
is, therefore, a complex addictive of many habits that sum up unique lifestyle addiction. The
craving which he critiqued existed in severity continuum ranging from mild issues or only
overwhelm in a person life which can exist for a short time. In the midpoint continuum,s drug