The Early Civilization
In the current world, there is a significant amount of civilization all over. The first four
human civilizations trace their roots to different nations, for instance, Egypt, India, and
Mesopotamia as well as China. The cultures of the people who inhabited in this areas were
mostly influenced by their geographical positions, for example, Egypt is structurally located on
Nile River, Indus River in India, Huang He River in China and lastly the Tigris as well as
Euphrates River in Mesopotamia. Other factors include trade patterns, their religious beliefs as
well as their agricultural practices. This factors influenced their political system significantly and
also their relationship with each other (first civilization 2016).
The geographical surroundings for example closeness of Egypt to river Nile played a
major role in the forming of the Egyptian civilization. With river Nile carrying a lot of fertile
eroded soil, the Egyptians used the river water for irrigation. According to research, the early
inhabitants referred Egypt as a breadbasket as it was a major producer of grains. Additionally,
the Egyptians have ample knowledge and when the Nile River would flood and thus prepared
adequately for the catastrophic flooding. Furthermore, the Egyptian Nile River was surrounded
by deserts on its sides which prevented the foreign armies from attacking the Egyptian people
due to water scarcity.
On the other hand, Mesopotamia located on the Tigris and Euphrates river had influenced
the civilization of the people in the area both positive and negative ways. Like in Egypt
Euphrates and Tigris River provided water and fertile soil for irrigation which had a positive
impact on the civilization of the people. However, the people of the area had no prior knowledge
of when the river would flood, thus causing a lot of catastrophic destruction of the people's crops
as well as homes (Acrobatiq, 2016).