different locations denoted by V and consumers of the products indicated by U. The two are
presumed to spread throughout Canada and U.S.
The locations mentioned are believed to have a default production capacity indicated by
. It is of importance to note that the capacity specified can be constructed or dismantled
depending on the predefined capacities, which are based on the ever-changing demands of the
customers. However, during the construction and dismantling of any capacity costs are incurred.
The demand parameters under the model are believed to be deterministic and have the capability
of changing from time to time (Note than only demand and not supply is deterministic and that
having the capability to change does not mean it changes; it only means that it is flexible if need
be). During this times demand is fixed and therefore the supply must always be equal or higher
than demand itself. The parameter does not only incorporate the above parameters but also take
into considerations the scenario parameter, for example, should an orange alert exist in
Ambassador Bridge. Ps. therefore denotes the probability of this scenario to occur. The model is
thus developed in a manner that any given buffer time contains several scenarios (S). Buffer time
can be a single day or even a year depending on the period under study, however, for our model,
the buffer time is not fixed and therefore the users many include whichever periods seem fit for
them. Hence the following parameters are used to denote the bufffer time for customer demand,
i, t.
The goal of the thesis is to optimize the quantity of goods to be produced as well as
shipped. At the same time, it seeks to minimize the entire cost of the supply chain network and
find solutions whether a capacity requires construction or dismantling. The parameter used for
shipping and which are necessary for Z
j, I, s, t.