Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs

The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs in Reducing Re-offending and
Individual Risks in Community
Sexual offending has, over the years, been widely recognized as a serious problem in
community, due to the significant impacts that it triggers among the victims, families, friends of
the victim, and the society as a whole. In response to the awareness on the impacts of the
problem, different group and experts have designed and adopted treatments aimed at reducing
the risks of repeat offending (HRF, 2014). Further, the awareness of the problem triggers
widespread research on the effectiveness of the interventions and programs adopted, and also a
rise in the methods of treatment available for sexual offenders (Zoukis, 2017). Current best
practices for the treatment of the problem include the use of cognitive-behavioral treatments,
which target the source of the problem and also are delivered in line with the principles of
correctional models. The meta-analytical research done on the effectiveness of the treatment
approaches used currently has showed that cognitive-behavioral treatments are more effective in
lessening recidivism than other treatment models, for example, criminal sanctions
(Crimesolutions, N.D). This report explores the factors that make people sex offenders, the
processes for reintegrating them into community; the treatment programs used, the effectiveness
of law enforcement on recidivism, and the measures adopted to reduce the risks that offenders
The Factors that Drive People to become Sex Offenders
Over the past decades, scholars, in particular social scientists and other groups in society
tried to fashion a model that explains the reasons for engaging in sexual offenses, towards
fashioning a clear description of the people at risk. The research led to the concept of the “sex
offender profile,” which turned out to be harder than it was previously thought. The reasons for
the challenge to establish the characteristics of the typical sexual offender can be traced to the
fact that they belong to all categories of people in society (Ward, 2014). However, there are
some factors shared among sexual offenders, which can explain the factors that drive people to
the behavior. The factors identified include that some offenders are driven to engage in sex
offenses due to their disposition to deviant sexual arousal or preferences. The common theme
shared by the offenders that have the disposition includes that they are sexually aroused by
things or people outside of the realm considered appropriate or healthy sexual behavior (Ward,
2014). As a result, many of these people are sexually attracted to children, forceful sexual
encounters, inflicting pain, physical aggression, exposing themselves in public, or secretly
watching naked people.
Other reasons or factors that drive sexual offenders to engage in the offenses are pro-
offending inclinations or cognitive distortions. For the people affected by this factor are aware
that sexual offenses are harmful and illegal, but due to their cognitive distortion or negative
attitude, they engage in the behavior, and in some cases claim that the victims enjoyed (Ward,
2014). In other cases, the group will downplay the behavior as less harmful and serious as others
think, and that gives them the sense of permission they need to engage in the behaviors without
feeling guilty. Other offenders engage in the behavior because they lack interpersonal, social or
intimacy connections to other people (Ward, 2014). For this group, the problems the members
face in their interpersonal and social relationships drive them to engage in sexual offending. The
problems that are common among the group include social isolation, lacking communication and
social skills; and challenges in intimate relationships, which drives them to develop sexually
violent and abusive behaviors. Other sexual offenders lack the feelings of empathy for their
victims, and that suppresses their sense of guilt about the behaviors (Ward, 2014). Due to
suffering victim empathy deficit, the people lack the feelings of empathy that would enable them
to imagine the pain that they cause their victims, and thus refrain from the behavior.
Other factors the influence some groups of people to engage in sexual offenses include
poor self-management abilities or coping skills. The research done in the recent past shows that
many sex offenders lack the coping skills required to lead a normal life (Ward, 2014). As an
example, the deficiency causes some the inability to manage emotions appropriately; are unable
to resist their sexual urges, and others are highly impulsive, which reduces the ability to refrain
from the behavior. The research by Ward (2014) shows that some individuals engage in sexual
offenses because they suffer from unknown sexual behaviors, for example, paraphilia and
voyeurism, which may not have been diagnosed in the past. As a result, the underlying sexual or
mental disorders drive them to engage in inappropriate sexual behaviors such as rape. Lastly,
others are driven by the emotional and psychological trauma triggered by a history of
maltreatment. Recent research shows that experiencing sexual abuse or other form of
maltreatment in the past can drive someone to sexual offending, particularly those that suffer
from other forms of vulnerabilities (Ward, 2014). As a result, the people develop a level of
insensitivity to the pain of others, due to the feelings that their experiences justify their
The Process for Reintegrating Sexual Offenders into the Community
Due to the severity of the problem of sex offending and the impacts it has on society, it is
crucial to take the offenders through all the steps required to ensure that they do not reoffend,
and that their entry into society will be successful. The first stage in the process is collaborating
to fashion and adopt an in-to-out approach (CSOM, 2007). The stage entails merging institutional
and community-based strategies for correcting the offender’s behaviors, towards fostering their
successful reentry into the society. The step is taken collaboratively by both policy makers and
professionals among other stakeholders, whether they are working inside prison or outside, so as
to make the transition from containment to the community. The cooperative and collaborative
efforts ensure that the transition is easy for the offender by reducing or eliminating the
incompatibility of practices and policies. As an example, specific action entails cultivating a
support base in the community and the family, to help offenders refrain from sexual offending
after they rejoin community. At a minimum, the necessary partnerships are related to correction,
social services delivery, mental health, vocational and educational training; housing and
employment, and victim advocacy.
The second step to take is managing the sex offenders inside prison with the view and
goal of releasing them to the community. The step is crucial in reorienting the correctional
strategies and actions used with rehabilitating them, towards making them valuable members of
society (CSOM, 2007). The actions taken under the step should include specialized offender
assessments to evaluate their rehabilitation, and offering programs that foster treatment, for
example, training them to work with and lead others. The third step in the process is allowing the
offenders to engage in discretionary decision-making towards and during release. The step
entails engaging the offender in evaluating their risks of recidivism, completion of required
intervention programs, and readiness for release (CSOM, 2007). It is crucial to ensure that the
programs are fulfilling to the offenders, besides being impactful, and that constant evaluation of
their participation is logged as metrics on readiness. By doing that, the system ensures that the
offender demonstrates the readiness needed to secure release.
The fourth step is reaching out during the course of transition and release for offenders.
The step starts after the decision to release the offender is made. The step entails channeling the
focus on the transition process and roadmap for their return and reintegration into the community
(CSOM, 2007). To improve outcomes, the step should be managed by a caseworker or case
manager operating inside prison and a contact from the community, so they can foresee and
manage their reentry. The two assigned individuals ensure that the conditions needed for
successful reentry are met, for example, the provision of appropriate employment and housing,
and that they do not engage in behaviors such as drug abuse. The fifth step is ensuring that the
interests and the needs of the victim, particularly reassurance about their safety, before the
offender is released (CSOM, 2007). The step entails putting in place the necessary safety plans
and support required to make them feel safe, for example, reassuring them about their rights and
the effectiveness of the treatment program. The step is crucial in the safety of the victim, as well
as, that of the offender, as they are made aware of what to do and behaviors to practice. The sixth
and last step is adopting an effective post-release supervision framework that can check the
offender’s behaviors, towards ensuring that they are not a threat in community. Through the
inclusive management outlook, specialized supervision can entail the use of electronic systems
and one on one examination to check the risk factors they present (CSOM, 2007). Through
taking the six steps, the stakeholders in the process and system of managing the reentry of sex
offenders into community can ensure maximum outcomes.
The effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment in Reducing Recidivism
According to the report by Yates (2013), the meta-analytical research done reviewing the
effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment has shown that the intervention is more effective
as compared to other strategies, such as criminal sanctions. The evidence indicates that the
cognitive-behavioral treatment can effectively study and control the levels and risks of
recidivism. The program is used on sexual offenders, with the aim of altering the behavioral,
affective, and cognitive inclinations and responses that lead to the inappropriate behaviors. The
behaviors that the treatment targets include deviance and criminal behavioral patterns, and these
are replaced with non-deviant and pro-social responses, for example, envisioning the pain of
victims (Yates, 2013). The common components of the cognitive-behavioral treatment adopted
in practice include developing the skills of personal and sexual self-control and regulation;
addressing intimacy and relationships deficits, cultivating empathy for victims. Other crucial
components of the treatment include challenging cognitive biases, delineating the circumstances
and motivations for offending, and cultivating relapse-prevention skills and knowledge (Yates,
The inclusiveness of the cognitive-behavioral treatment model is evident from the ways it
is easily tailored to meet the needs of the offender, in terms of the time taken and the intensity of
the program and specific sessions. Secondly, the treatment is effective because it seeks and
addresses the needs of the offenders by targeting the risk factors that apply to their case, and then
addresses them to eliminate or reduce the chances of recidivism. Thirdly, the approach is ideal
for the treatment of sexual offenders because it entails a comprehensive review of the
responsiveness of the program and the sexual offender, through the curse, making adjustments
where necessary. As an example, if the expert finds that the program has not yet uncovered all
the risk factors for offending, they can extend a session or redo it again, so as to develop a
holistic understanding of the problem. Based on the scope and the strengths of the cognitive-
behavioral treatment, it is clear that it can be used in community to address the problem of sexual
The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement in Reducing Recidivism
The concern over the dangers and impacts of having sex offenders in the community lead
to the adoption of policies and laws aimed at reducing recidivism levels .The laws and policies in
place include chemical castration, accountability program at mental facilities after completing a
prison term, registering offenders with law enforcement and releasing the information to the
public, and surrendering DNA samples for testing where necessary (Freiburger et al., 2012).
Other policies in place include those on sending community notifications, as a way of reducing
recidivism and the public’s awareness. However, despite the availability of many policies and
the law enforcement system to control recidivism levels, a study done in 2010 showed that the
enforcement of community notifications did not reduce recidivism levels (HRF, 2014; HRW,
2007). Some of the levels limiting the effectiveness of law enforcement in reducing recidivism
levels include that the system does not record prior or future offenses that are not reported to law
enforcement, considering that sex offenses are an underreported crime. Further, some arrest data
is false, and where reported offenders are cleared, the data is not updated to reflect the same.
Further, the research notes that offender registration may increase recidivism, due to the financial
and social costs related to removing the criminal history of offenders from the database (Prescott,
2012). In fact, the registry system reduces sexual offenses among nonregistered offenders, but
may drive recidivism among registered offenders
The Law Enforcement System and the Protection of Offenders from Threats in
Unfortunately, the systems and approaches set in place by the law enforcement system
and the available laws present risks for the registered sexual offenders, a situation that was not
envisioned initially. The research by Bonnar-Kidd (2010) notes that registered sexual offenders
face many integration barriers on a daily basis, some of them related to seeking admission into
educational institutions, housing, employment. Further, the group suffers harassment and
segregation, which when combined with the other challenges they face, may increase recidivism
levels (Prescott, 2012). The evidence of the problem includes that at an institution such as the
State University of New York requires registered offenders to face a committee before they are
admitted. Further, the people may be refused admission, if the committee finds that they present
a high risk in the campus community. Similarly, Eastern Oregon University’s policy on
registered sexual offenders is that if the course they seek admission for requires close contact
with others in secluded places, they are denied admission (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010).
The marginalization is not limited to institutional treatment, but also affects the
interactions between the group and others in society. The problems they encounter include
harassment, discrimination, which demonstrates that law enforcement has set up any systems for
the protection of the offenders (Wksexcrimes, 2018). Wksexcrimes (2018) notes some of the
policy and legal strategies that can be used to address the problems facing the registered sexual
offenders, for example, educating them on how they can use restraining orders to prevent
harassment. Other actions to take include contacting the police for protection, applying for
removal from the offender database, and contracting defense attorneys to address current issues
(Wksexcrimes, 2018). The gap indicates the need to study the problem, which can affect the
community’s effectiveness in reducing recidivism levels.
Sexual offending is a sensitive problem for society due to it impacts on victims and the
broader society. In an attempt to address the problem, many policies have been adopted, some of
them entailing the registration of offenders in the national database, as a strategy to improve the
safety of the people in the society. The research indicates that a variety of factors drive sexual
offending, including the people that are sexually aroused by things and people considered
inappropriate, and those with offending inclinations or cognitive distortions. Due to the effects
that sex offending has on society, the offenders should be taken through a detailed program for
reintroducing them into community. The process entails preparing to rejoin community, long
before they are released, and even after they are released. The cognitive-behavioral treatment has
proved effective in addressing the problem of sexual offending, due to the focus it channels
towards the causes of offending but also the role that others play in preventing recidivism. The
review of research indicated that law enforcement is not effective in reducing recidivism levels,
due to the gaps in the implementation of policies, for example, the financial and social costs
required to delete criminal history information. Further, the law enforcement system does not
protect registered offenders, noting that there are no protections in place, yet it exposes them to
individual and institutional marginalization and barriers. The research indicates the need to
develop channels for protecting the offenders, which can improve the safety of the members of
community in general.
Bonnar-Kidd, K.K. (2010). Sexual Offender Laws and Prevention of Sexual Violence or
Recidivism. Am J Public Health, 100(3), 412-419.
Center for Sex Offender Management (CSOM). (2007). Managing the Challenges of Sex
Offender Reentry. A Project of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs. Retrieved from: http://www.csom.org/pubs/reentry_brief.pdf
Crimesolutions. (N.D). Practice Profile: Adult Sex Offender Treatment. Retrieved from:
Freiburger, T., Marcum, C.D., Iannacchione, B., & Higgins, G. (2012). Sex offenders and
criminal recidivism: An exploratory trajectory analysis using a Virginia sample. Journal
of Crime & Justice, 35(3), 365-375.
HRF. (2014). 37 Scarey Repeat Sex Offenders Statistics. Healthresearchfunding. Retrieved
from: https://healthresearchfunding.org/37-scarey-repeat-sex-offenders-statistics/
HRW. (2007). US: Sex Offender Laws May Do More Harm than Good. Retrieved from:
Prescott, J. J. (2012). Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe? Regulation, 35(2), 48-55.
Ward, T. (2014). The explanation of sexual offending: from single factor theories to integrative
pluralism. Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for
research, theory and practice, 20(2), 130-141.
Wksexcrimes. (2018). Harassment of Registered Sex Offenders. Retrieved from:
Yates, P. (2013). Treatment of Sexual Offenders: Research, Best Practices, and Emerging
Models. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 8(3-4), 89-95.
Zoukis, C. (2017). Sex Offender Treatment Programs in the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Prisonerresource. Retrieved from: https://goo.gl/BbBMbk

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