Essentially, the hospital adopted an "a chart of paper on the computer screen" as ideal
Electronic Health Records for our small hospital. The system shall allow nurses to create the first
page of electronic health records with a standard input form that would offer general information
regarding the patients such as allergies, history of the pertinent family, medication list,
background of health, past medical and surgical histories, and general history of birth. Page two
would contain the necessary details and list of problems which would rely on the medical
specialty. Page three shall have the prescribed medications and the how the patients respond to
such remedies. The proposed system, therefore, shall help us as nurses to establish electronic
health records system to enhance the quality of keeping within our hospital. The records, in turn,
is very critical in offering quality healthcare for our patients.
Outcomes for the Proposed Plan
The market competition is critical in determining the whether the business establishment is
likely to remain competitive and survive in the dynamic business environment when it comes to
any business investment (Frazier, 2017). However, from the time of memorial, the health care
systems have not been seen as a business venture or investment, although the perception is
turning around slowly. Our small hospital, Medicort Care Center is the best healthcare facility.
The excellent image and outstanding reputation as one of the premier hospitals in the town with
various awards and accolades must be safeguarded at all costs (Bisbal, 2013). This proposed
plan of electronic health records system shall allow the nurses of our hospital to attain
outstanding reputations to live up to because we shall be able to provide efficient, quality, and
effective services to our patients and clients year in, year out through the quality electronic health
records systems.