Surname 3
the TSG are found to have a phenotype that resembles that of hereditary cancer. The study thus
focused on several gene chemical compounds, including aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)
tetracholorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), arsenic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls and
phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and bisphenol A (BPA) (Romagnolo et al., 2016).
What the authors thus tried to confirm was that food components targeting epigenetic
mechanisms defend cells against modifications in TSG and mammary tumorigenesis caused by
exposure to the above xenobiotics. As a result, their findings may enable future researchers to
develop new methods of prevention based on particular bioactive food components.
Epigenesis can help to understand real-world biological events. Despite the fact that
family history and mutational inactivation of TSG play a minor role in influencing the
development of cancer, research has drawn a significant connection between long-term illnesses
and family history. Since heritable factors also cause breast tumors, the impact of family history
should be reconsidered in further research due to the more significant cases of heritable diseases
such as cancer. In my family, there have been three long-term diseases, namely, breast cancer,
lung cancer, and Alzheimer’s. According to Romagnolo et al. (2016), epigenetic alterations such
as CpG methylation are preserved through cycles of cell division, and in the end, they are
conveyed to cell progenies. Breast cancer has affected a few of our family members, and it seems
that more than one person of my generation is likely to be diagnosed with the disease. At the
moment, one individual is suffering from the breast tumor. Doctors established that the cancer
developed due to genetic factors. Also, one family member died as a result of lung cancer, which
was related to a case reported in the past generation where another relative died due to lung
complication. Finally, Alzheimer’s disease also has a history in our family. Epigenetics qualifies
it as a hereditary condition which occurs as a result of gene epigenome associated with dementia.