In various organizations and institutions, money for carrying out functions and designated
services might also be acquired through funding. There are ethics,however,to be upheld in the
utilization of funds, through putting the money acquired for the right use. This paper brings out a
summary of the article Education charity to pay millions for misusing funds, by Sherman (2013).
The ethical issue in the article is stated in the paper as well as an explanation on how the ethical
issue might affect the budget funding request of the institution in the article.
Sherman (2013) gives the account of the New York reaching the decision of $7.7 million
as a settlement with the Pearson Charitable Foundation (PCF). The article states that PCF used
funds in a manner that benefited them, through dealing with the Pearson Inc. (PSO) an affiliated
for-profit organization which is against the law. PCF as a non-profit organization, according to
the law, should not ‘misuse charitable assets in order to benefit their affiliated for-profit
corporations.’ (Sherman, 2013).
According to the article, PCF is an education charity which develops materials for
commercial sells through PSO. The materials are meant for charitable use in supporting
educational standards in the 45 states. PCF as a Charity organization carries seminars in which
are supposed to benefit institutions as well as learners. Howevers, information sourced from such
are directed for financial gain of PSO.
Ethical issue related to misuse of funds in the article
According to Alexander (1999), the misuse of funds simply involves using funds for
purposes outside of those dictated by the grantor. In addition, Sherman (2013) brings forth how
the PCF uses funds for their commercial benefit through PSO, which is an affiliated for-profit