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the strengths of Facebook include its strong brand image, high revenue streams and a big
consumer base that is characterized with externalities (Facebook Inc. 2016).
Facebook has a number of weaknesses that are mainly attributed to the nature of the
social media business. These factors reduce the company’s success and they include the fact that
its products are easily imitable by other business organizations operating in the social media. The
corporation is also prone to negative implications of online advertising and has low chances of
diversifying its business (Gamble and Thompson, 2017).
Facebook has many opportunities in expanding its product and services to the
international markets. Other opportunities include product innovation, diversification and market
development and penetration (Gamble and Thompson, 2017).
The threats facing Facebook include negative effects in its business environment,
imitation by other social media based organization, market saturation and cybercrime (Gamble
and Thompson, 2017).
The SWOT analysis of Facebook Inc. indicates that its strengths enhance the
corporation’s leadership in the management of online social media business. The firm continues