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encouragement make students feel they are not alone in this journey of pursing their goals in life.
Many at times, parents limit their support to only helping students with their school assignments,
attending school meetings and checking with their tutors. Studies show that it is important for
parents to incorporate their support to college students through their active engagement in
advocating with college boards as well as federal and state governments to ensure that colleges
have adequate resources they require to offer a world class education to their children.
When children grow, parents expect them to take charge of their lives and this happens when
they start attending college as soon they will be joining them in the “outside world”. Family
support plays a key role in college students’ mature into independent young men and women as
this is the prime time that they students need counsel and advice. While many would not ask for
advice, it is important for parents and guardians to initiate conversations about how they are
doing. For instance, parents can help in co-designing a proactive college success plans for their
children. However, students are the one to take the lead in ensuring the successful actions that
are needed in completing their plans.
As they adage goes, “one can get advised but decisions are self-dependent”, since opinions are
insightful to not only the young adults but adults as well. In relation to this, parents are obliged to
help students that freedom to choose their college majors without interfering with their interests
and aspirations. Some college students always have difficulties in adjusting to college life. More
often than not, parents discourage their children from pursuing their interests and instead impose
them to courses that they have no interests. At college level, families should provide support to
their children in making right decisions and pursue their interests though organizing for
counselling sessions with professional career experts as they can help them make right decisions
as far as their career prospects are concerned. College students need family support and