Family Therapy.
I am Murray Bowen one of the founders of family and systematic theory. I developed the
systems theory because family is the cause of every reaction and influence in a person’ life,
attitude and beliefs. Several factors motivated me to develop the family system theory. Being the
oldest in a family of three and very responsible gave me ideas of sibling relation. The idea from
my father who was the mayor on the concept of how people talk and walk says something about
them. I was also a clinical master and interacted a lot with various families which equipped me
with knowledge of human behavior and characters.
Family system theory is the analysis of people behavior that views the family as a unit
and a systematic thinking to explain the complex issues in the group. The members of a family
are usually linked emotionally. People may tend to disconnect from their families, but the fact is
that they are connected and one’s person feelings and thoughts will affect another. The argument
on family system therapy base on eight concepts. Differentiation is one of the important aspects
of a family especially in children as every person has a goal to be independent of the family.
Individuals who are not differentiated from the family tend to blame themselves for the cause of
some family problems such as separation of their parents, divorcé or conflicts with their brothers
and sisters. The differentiated individual keeps calm in times of conflict. Every individual should
have a goal of developing their sense of individuality and be able to manage their characters and
reactions to situations.
Triangulation theory relates to three people in a relationship whereby when there is
conflict one person focuses his/her attention elsewhere. An example is the conflict between