accounts filed at Companies House shows it made a pre-tax loss of £28.5m in the year 2014.
However, it is recorded to have offset 362 staffs from the UK their wages a great amount. The
resultant pre-tax loss on their UK accounts permitted it to pay next to nothing in corporation tax.
However, the company confirmed that all their staff whose bonuses were disbursed remitted their
income tax afterward. This definitely would have increased the tax take for the UK exchequer to
more than £14m, compared to the £1.5m it would have received on the net profit that the
company would have otherwise banked. It is more pressing whether the company only made the
£105m revenue it officially posted in the UK last year as it reported $2.9bn (£1.9bn) globally.
Avoidance of corporation tax causes loss of revenue to the Exchequer. It also means an irregular
playing field for trade in the UK in that firms based at home remit corporation tax while
multinationals escape it. Open avoidance also saps trust in the tax system entirely. Continued
effective taxation depends on agreement, which requires taxes to be broadly accepted as fair. In
contemporary democratic societies where public expenditure ranges up to half of GDP or more,
the related high levels of tax make the agreement more offending (UK parliament, 2014).
According to the debate also, HMRC has been mentioned as having had a problem in
their accounts after examination by PAC. Due to this fact the UK government stipulated the
responsibilities of HMRC, which included; safeguarding the flow of money to the Exchequer
through the collection, compliance, and enforcement activities, making sure that there is cash
available to facilitate public services. HMRC should as well facilitate legitimate international
trade, and protect the UK’s fiscal, economic, social and physical security within and at the border
as well as collect UK trade statistics. It is their mandate to administer Statutory Payments such as
statutory sick pays and maternity pay. Help individuals and families with a certain amount of
money through payment of tax credits. They must aim to administer the Government Banking