Legitimate power is associated with elected, selected, or appointed position of authority.
It may even be supported by the social norms. Legitimate power is the ability to link or
administer certain feelings of obligation or notion of responsibility to another or the management.
It is where the individuals who are appointed to lead certain organizations to carry out the
rewarding and punishments to the subordinates. In our organization (Duke University), the Vice-
Chancellor has a legitimate power to fire the subordinate members who do not follow the rules
and regulations of the organization. . (Raven, 1965)
Referent power is associated with the affiliations people make. It can also be the groups
and organizations an individual belongs to. One's affiliation with a group and the beliefs
associated with that group are shared to some extent. This power can be positive or negative. For
example in our organization, some employees got promoted because of relating and associating
with students and lectures well. (Bass,1950)
Expert power is based on the skills, experience, talents or what one knows. Expertise can
be demonstrated in form of reputation, actions, and credentials that certify expertise. Its impacts
and effectiveness may be positive or negative. On our organization, a professor submits school
transcripts in order to demonstrate discipline expertise.( Raven,2004)
In conclusion, these five power bases have been effectively used in our organization.
From the professors submitting the transcripts to demonstrate discipline expertise, students being
given masters scholarships because of their good performance, the Vice-Chancellor has the
legitimate power to fire those who break the rules and regulations, lectures ensuring students