Despite the general notion, many social issues like famines, inability to fulfill basic
needs, poverty, violations of rights and freedoms and the neglect of women agency continue to
prevail. To Sen previous measures to counter any of these occurrences have all been erroneous
and incorrect. He is mainly focused on the flourishing of any person as the door to poverty as
opposed to economic growth. All people have a right to enjoy the pleasantries of life equally and
the things they consider important (p. 440).
Forms of un-freedom
Amartya Sen believes that the process of development involves removing the varying
types of unfreedom. These unfreedoms often leave the people with little or no choice or
opportunities to pursue a thing they regard as important. He describes underdevelopment as
unfreedom. To him, development is the overall process of eliminating forms of unfreedom while
at the same time growing the people’s capabilities (p. 441).
According to Sen, the main issues that limit freedom are tyranny, poverty, and social
deprivation, neglect of social and public facilities, low economic chances and poor tolerance to
certain situations. To him, the underdevelopment challenge will be solved once these factors are
removed. His focus is on political, instrumental freedoms, security, good economics, and smooth
public and social facilities. A guarantee on the transparency of most matters is also a major focus
for Sen. All the above factors have to work together and should be connected. The arrangement
of the society should be based on the how these arrangements contribute towards the
enhancement and guarantee of freedoms in that society. They should be the active determinants
rather that the passive agents in the society. All the factors named should act in a way that
improves the overall well-being of individuals in any society (p. 441).