Functional and Non-functional Requirement for WSWT 3
The software system contains administration section which offers and maintain
healthcare information. The section requires an administrator to log in using password and
username before performing an administrative task in the system (Koay, Kataria, & Juric 2010,
p. 469).
Nonfunctional requirements
Nonfunctional necessities or requirements play a significant role in ensuring the success
of an organizational software. The element assists an organization in enhancing the satisfaction
of customers, developers, and users. Additionally, nonfunctional requirement prevents budget
overrun, encourages active schedule and rectification of software established without proper
nonfunctional requirements (Slankas & Williams 2013, p.14). Consequently, nonfunctional
requirement ensures active operations of a software system in an organization.
Even though formulation of nonfunctional requirements depends on users’ concerns, the
concerns may act as constrain to numerous elements which are nonfunctional requirement
characteristics. Therefore, application of a user-oriented strategy requires comprehension of the
users in the WSWT. Moreover, practical understanding of software users may assist in selecting
the type of applicable nonfunctional requirement in the WSWT. Based on efficient operations,
the firm may apply nonfunctional requirements which ensures organizational integrity,
efficiency, and confidentiality.
1. Integrity
Firstly, the integrity of an organizational software illustrates the ability of the software in
maintaining data and information in the system. The maintenance of information and data in a
software system may help the WSWT to enhance ethnicity and accuracy in their operations
(Slankas & Williams 2013, p.14). Furthermore, the integrity of nonfunctional requirement has a