travelers who were willing to pay $10 extra. The system did not guarantee the customer a seat
of their choice, but they were given first boarding option.
The system entails a Game Theory for the firm to maximize on profits, this is where,
the two passengers who are termed as EarlyBirds are competing for favorable seats at the
simultaneously, where if none of the passengers pays for the EarlyBird system, then both of
them expect better places in the seating lottery (Talwalkar, 2015). If one of the passengers
pays for the $10 then he or she will get the better seat and at the same time the company will
earn extra revenue, if both pay for the $10, then they will get better seats and the firm will
generate more revenue.
The company made an application of the game theory to generate more revenue which
was developed based on the human cooperation and conflict with the competitive situation
among the passengers. The sciences of the strategy were to ensure that clients compete for the
early board with the aim of securing themselves seats of their choice. There is the aspect of
Zero-Sum Game where both participant’s gain and losses are balanced (Talwalkar, 2015). If
the total benefits of the individuals are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, the final
value is zero. The numbers assigned to the travelers was based on the time at which the
passengers checked in for a flight, this system benefited individuals who used online to check
in for the flights and never helped individuals who wasted a lot of time at the gate.
What was southwest’s primary goal in introducing the early-bird check-in?
The EarlyBird check-in was aimed at creating competition among the travelers for the
better seat which finally earn the company more profit as many people will be willing to pay
the $10 to get a better seat (Li & Shen, 2012). The strategy was based on the Game-Theory,
where those individuals who were willing to pay the $10 were entitled to better seats, and
those who were not willing were driven to a worse situation which motivated them to pay the
$10. Therefore, the primary aim of adopting the system was to cut on the marginal cost,