As a man, I have faced a lot of challenges that people cannot easily identify. Many people
believe that being a man you can handle every workload that you are entrusted with within the
stipulated time. People can easily force me to be perfect but I cannot be perfect in everything I
do. Therefore, it has been a great challenge primarily in the workplace, though the workmates
cannot easily identify the pressure they are putting on me. Furthermore, interaction with women
in the workplaces raises the concern of many people because they think whenever a man of
upper class closely interact with ladies or even take them for lunch is the beginning of an affair.
Besides, when a man receives promotion from a female boss because of their hard work and
good production, rumors will go all round on the affair between the man and the female boss.
Dressing code requirements for the men is more of men discrimination in respect with the
women in the same workplace. When we the men are given the rules and regulations that we
need to put on a shirt and a tie and if possible we are ordered to do a suit depending on the
weather conditions of every season. On the other hand, our female counterparts are given
freedom to dress in a skirt and t-shirts. Besides, men employees are always treated differently in
terms of providing benefits. The benefits are generally preserved for our female counterparts
which are a sign of discrimination of we the male employees.
I think that men are more exposed to adverse working conditions compared to our women
because it is believed that men are more energetic and have more experience than women; for
example, I was exposed to duties such as repetitive tasks, night work, and physically demanding
jobs. We are victims of reverse sexism and are under pressure at our workplace. We are
expected to work full time and to work for longer hours in our workplace. Discriminations affect