comparative advantage. Therefore, neoliberalism has contributed lots to globalization and
international trade. In this light, globalization is taken as a project in that neo-liberalization is
taken as a deliberate endeavor undertaken to bring about globalization.
Globalization has another dimension, that is, globalization as a practice, it refers to the
application or use of an idea, belief or methods. Development of an international regulation for
minimum labor standards is a practical approach resulting from globalization. International labor
standards are conventions agreed upon by international actors, as a result of value judgments
aimed at protecting fundamental worker rights, enhance job security, and improve terms of
employment for workers on a global scale. The intention of labor standardization is to establish a
global minimum level of worker protection from inhumane labor practices through worldwide
adoption and implementation of the said measures. Global labor standards have high potential in
improving working lives of significant numbers of people all over the world. The development
of an appropriate regulatory body for enforcing basic international standards could serve as a
model governing international economic activities more generally. Therefore, international
regulations on minimum labor standards are a practice that promotes globalization.
In summary, globalization has a positive impact worldwide. The process of globalization
has been influenced, over the years, by development in different fields. Globalization has
promoted increased trade and exchange of goods and services at a global level which has helped
many states to obtain what they do not produce and export what they produce in plenty. As a
result, goods are availed in plenty and at a considerably lower price. Globalization could take
three dimensions, in that; it can be considered as a process, a project, and as a practice.