objectives. Expanding your business to overseas market suggest increasing your
employee ratio so as to attain all-inclusive architecture & expertise in the prerequisite
domains such as business administration, strategic governance, Legal affairs, marketing,
information technology, supply chain and International trade. According to the America
commerce insights, the American nation is likely to lose jobs to China, India. Also,
America is likely to employ more citizens due to the likelihood of companies worldwide
on the verge of setting their production plants in American best production sites such as
Silicon Valley- San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, Texas and Michigan. Foreign
investment in the United States leads to the employment of 7 million workers in 200
doubling the number obtained in 1990. Europe best automotive providers such as
Mercedes, Honda, and Rolls Royce are setting their auxiliary research facilities such as in
Harvard Research center, Stanford, MIT to boost evolution of better, advanced
technological blueprint. Furthermore, Toyota Production plant in San Antonio projects to
employ about 2,000 employees to boost their innovative car technologies. On the other
hand, a global technological giant such as Samsung is investing $500 million to fund its
expansion plant in Austin, Texas. Foreign investment directed to the United States is
likely to boost the growth of US economy & boost their employment ratio by increasing
the job opportunities through direct foreign investment. For Instance, Novartis
Corporation is moving its Research & Development operations from the Switzerland to
the Massachusetts, United States.
Despite the merits of globalization as a tool for creating an enabling society for growth.
Globalization has a fair share of dissenting argument on its role in promoting social vice within