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associate with and how; where and when it can eat; where it can rest; where it can drink; and so
on," (Martel, 153). Therefore, Pi's will to survive the tiger outline the traits that human beings
have such as willpower and cleverness. Seemingly, the man and nature adversities in the novel
also involved Pi's struggle with the cold at night, storms, waves and adverse weather.
Additionally, Pi also struggled with dehydration and hunger. However, he struggles to collect
fresh water using solar stills and to land a fish as food. In summation, in the novel Pi face
extensive external adversities that drive him to strive to live. He points out that "the lifeboat did
not sink. Richard Parker Kept out of sight. The sharks' prowled bat did not lunge. The waves
splashed me but did not pull me off," (Martel, 167). The quote indicates that he succeeded in
overcoming the external adversities that he faced throughout his journey.
Seemingly, in the novel, Pi struggles with internal adversities that display a conflict
between man and himself. Throughout the novel, Pi struggles with his inner demons and employ
the use of Richard Parker as a fictional character to mask his actions. Apparently, in his 227
days, isolation in the lifeboat Pi struggles to fight his doubts about surviving the incidence,
(Glimelius, 1139). Despite all his family perishing in the shipwreck, Pi finds it in him to strive to
survive. Hence, in the novel, Pi is constantly struggling with himself and creates a fictional
character in Richard to do things he cannot do by himself. For example, when he kills the chef as
a strategy to survive Pi forces himself to think that Richard the tiger that killed the chef. In the
novel, Pi faces mental, physical and spiritual adversities. For example, the lack of fresh water
and food weakens him physically forcing him to question his chances of survival. However, his
will to survive overcome his doubts and he face the adversity head-on by learning fishing fish
from the ocean as food and arresting fresh water using solar stills, (Pendery, 71). Reputedly, Pi
also faces spiritual adversities in his journey. For example, he becomes weak spiritually and