meta-analysis and criminal history analysis among other checks that are established by the
authority. While the procedure may appear to be similar to most systems carried out in theU.S,
their procedures have beyond reasonable doubt been effective (Gutowski, 2015). For instance, in
2007, Switzerland was ranked number3 on the global list of countries that have the highest
number of gun owners with a rate of 45.7guns per 100 number of people. In others words, more
than 3, 400,000 guns are in circulation in Switzerland alone. Surprisingly, by 2009, only 24 gun
homicides and 254 gun-related suicides were recorded in the entire country. In other words, only
0.31 deaths per 100,000 numbers of people and 3.29 deaths per 100,000 numbers of people
respectively were recorded(Apuzzo and Goldman, 2013). While there could be other reasons
behind this effectiveness, it would be imprudent to overlook analysis.
To sum up the arguments , it is imperative to acknowledge and retaliate that the debate on
gun control is always controversial. Every argument heaved whether against or for gun control
always appear to be prudent and valid. However, in such a situation, it is always important to
analyze which size outweighs the other. In this cases, the ineffectiveness of gun control as a
strategy or mechanism for controlling crimes outweighs the effectiveness. Most arguments
consider the ineffectiveness of the strategy to be more prevalent. For instance, gun controls
laws have proved to be ineffective in most countries, and for this reason, they cannot be used as
away from controlling crime.It has also been arguedthat most gun control laws have been aiming
one race, religion, or even ethnic community. For instance, most gun control laws have
historically proved to be harsh to black people. Gun control laws have also proved to infringe
various human rights including rights to possession, right to protection and rights to privacy
among others. However, while there may be some arguments that still consider that controlling