Harry potter Template

Surname 1
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Dialectical Journal
“Quotation of importance”
(Author pg #)
Explanation & Analysis (longer than quote)
Marxist lens
Literary devices
Personal connections
“Because that’s what Hermione does,”
said Ron, shrugging. “When in doubt, go
to the library.”( Rowling 163)
Ron was referring the statement to Hermione
who spend most of time reading the book and
refer him as a book wormer or even spend the
entire day in the library reading. The love for
books assisted harry in his quests. Hence for
others the love for knowledge of which Harry
portrays annoys people like Hermione since
they do not really understand how somebody
can like the books to that extend. Moreover, his
friends accepted the situation and diffuse to
question Harry’s way of life.
Surname 2
“You could have died, you could have
been seen, you could have lost your father
his job —”(Rowling 22)
Those words were directed to Harry by Mrs.
Weasley who terms the family of Harry as her
replacement. In that case Mrs. Wesley became
the mother of Harry and Ron, is like the brother
to her. At that time Ron went to fetch harry
from his home using the flying car of his father
which he had stolen and helped Harry to escape
from his uncle home. Since Harry was a
wizard, he avoided being seen and they were
not supposed to expose themselves.
“I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise
and pretending I'm not there.”
(Rowling 5)
At the beginning of the book, those quotes
appear which illustrate the perfect relationship
the family of Harry have. Since harry was
adopted in the family they do not like him
which has made the family to spread their
dislike to other outside family. Moreover, the
adoptive family feels that Harry is
inconvenience as they do not hide to tell him
the truth. For that reason Harry has accepted
their dislike to him and tries to occupy a very
small space within the family.
"Pass the frying pan." "You've forgotten
Harry said that when he was very irritably to
Surname 3
the magic word,"
(Rowling 2).
the family. The sentence had a strong
implication to the family. The words explain the
attitude of the family they have to harry when
he is in the holiday from Hogwarts school. The
non-magical people treat Harry in a horrible
manner since he is magical which is different
from their culture. Hence any term of magic
mention it angers Dursleys who is happy with
the magic powers of harry. The chapter is
humorous as it shows how the authors embraces
the use of bigotry.
"I understand. Natural to want a bit more
once you've had that first taste &133”,
(Rowling 99)
Those words were directed to Harry after him
and Ron had recovered from their journey.
Lockhart was not happy seeing them with a
flying car from school and the words shows
some common misinterpretation of Harry’s
character. Lockhart made his career after
repeating the other wizard’s valiant saga
“Someone shouted through the
quiet.”Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll
be next, Mudbloods!" (Rowling 71)
The scene happens in the chamber immediately
after the basilisk was taken as the first victim
together with Draco. The character in which
Surname 4
slytherins attacked Malfoy shows an ideal for
criminal. But the time Ron and harry entered
the room they were suspected to be the
associate of the culprits. Additionally, Percy is
seen to be one of the culprits, hence the sort of
setting by Rowling is luscious and draws the
trade mark of his writing. In our modern
society, the incidences of crime is common and
seems to be an obvious phenomena to be
subjected to innocent people.
The basilisk had swept the Sorting Hat
into Harry's arms. Harry seized it. It was
all he had left, his only chance-he rammed
it onto his head and threw himself flat on
the floor as the basilisk's tail swung over
him again. Help mehelp meHarry
thought (Rowling 87)
The quotes explains the status harry was alone
in the chamber together with Tom. The scene
demonstrate a high degree of heroism by Harry.
Harry uses his tactics with great courage and
determination to save himself with his friends
to get out of crime. After the challenges of his
powers and the experience he had, he just hopes
that someone would come and rescue them. The
strong believe they had was the promises of
Dumbledore who seeks help to come from
Hogwarts for those who ask.
The Sorting Hat only put my in
Those were the wise words from Harry after he
Surname 5
Gryffindor," (Rowling 47)
had emerged from the chamber of secrets.
Harry shares his experience with Tom Riddle to
help him decrease the fear he had developed.
Additionally, those words portrays the heroic
nature of the characters in the book which is
explained by Dumbledore. The racism of pure-
blooded sorcerers, Harry's ability to overthrow
Voldemort. Hence the heroism of a person can
either been originated from the family lineage
or even exposure to a certain environment.
"Which makes you very different from
Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that
show what we truly are, far more than our
abilities." (Rowling 38)
The paragraph was after Harry and Tom had
won from the crime incidence where they were
sharing their ideas. Everybody had a choice to
fight racism in the society and the use of
wizards was to help people solve the
embedding issues. Committing mass murder to
innocent people was unethical as illustrated by
Dumbledore words.
There was no answering voice. Instead
the hat contracted, as though an invisible
hand was squeezing it very tightly.
(Rowling 121)
The words stand out to be the promises
Dumbledore vows that help only comes from
Hogwarts. At that time harry uses the powers to
kill the deadly basilisk. Therefore, for the harry
Surname 6
potter story, the victory of people is supported
by group effort. Which is either among the
friends, teachers or even from invisible
protective charms. Harry does not depend on
his courage and talent instead he exposes
himself to enemies and learn the experience of
solving the problems.
He had pushed to the front of the crowd,
his cold eyes alive, his usually bloodless
face flushed, as he grinned at the sight of
the hanging, immobile cat. (Rowling 151)
The words were directed to harry after they
were suspected to involve in crime. The author
portrays how people who are innocent link
them to crime incidences. The detective action
of Harry and Ron do throughout the book which
lead to unexpected conclusion. All the
characters demonstrated their cleverness work
which stands to be the central mystery of the
but see here, young man, you can't start
flying cars to try and get yourself
noticed." (Rowling 93)
The sentence implies that harry cannot live in
fame. Harry, uses his action to prove that he is a
good wizard. Thus he is responsible for Harry
his action and uses his bravery to handle such
like situation.
Surname 7
because I asked not to go in Slytherin."
"Exactly," said Dumbledore, beaming
once more (Rowling 141)
The words was spoken by Harry to Slytherine
illustrating the importance of Dumbledore
statements in school. Additionally, those words
portrays the heroic nature of harry with his
friends in the novel which is explained by
Dumbledore. The racism of pure-blooded
sorcerers, Harry's ability to overthrow
“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d
be going backward.”
The author made the words to Harry who has
gained fame and he has responsibility of
answering all question concerning his books
hence making people to love his work. Despite
the fame of Lockhart, Harry is more famous
thus becoming a thread to Lockhart. The
contrary of the two shows that the age does not
determine the level of wisdom of a person.
“Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember
that.” (Rowling 171)
The quotes came from Lockhart who claims to
be more famous that harry. Lockhart was
disappointed after seeing harry and Ron coming
from school driving a flying car. In 21
knowledge cannot be gauge by the age rather it
is through experience we learn as we grow.
Surname 8
“You’d better hope Creevey doesn’t meet
Ginny, or they’ll be starting a Harry Potter
fan club.” (Rowling 63)
The words was from harry to Creevey
promising them a better life where everyone
will be treated equally. Moreover, it shows
some heroism as people in that society are felt
up the situation of crime and the ideas that they
only punish the innocent people.
Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and
I rate the front page (Rowling 56)
The words were from Lockhart who
demonstrated the social class in our society.
Where Lockhart is famous and harry is even
more famous. The popularity increases his
power to teach a celebrity pupil.
Mr. Potter! Lucius Malfoy. We meet at
last. Forgive me, your scar is legend. As,
of course, is the wizard who gave it to
you. (Rowling 45)
Lucius Malfoy insults everybody in the novel
on the basis of their financial status. The
character admires Voldemort since he belief
that Voldemort is stable in the society.
Individuals select themselves in our society
with class undermining those who are poor.
“ It had snapped, almost in two; the trip
was dangling limply, held on by a few
splinters” (Rowling 155)
The quotes was a foreshadowing since his wand
was broke in which it implied that Ron will face
troubles in his magical work. Even if he tries to
fix the wand it will not function. The magic
Surname 9
power was not to be exposed to individuals who
were non magic.
“I’ll be in my room, making no noise and
pretending I’m not here”(Rowling 74)
The family of Dusley does not treat harry well
as he has magic powers. Harry lives like a
prisoner since he feeds on different food and
always locked in the room due to his magical
“Harry had taken up his place at wizard
school, where his scar were
famous....”(Rowling 5)
The quotes portrays harry to be highly
respected person in the society. Harry defeated
Veldonem which was feared by other magic. He
also has a lot of capital which his parent left.
It means "dirty blood." Mudblood's a foul
name for someone who's Muggle-born.
Someone with non-magic parents.
Someone like me. It's not a term one
usually hears in civilized conversation.
(Rowling 50)
From the words we get the exact explanation of
what wizard is. Anyone born with magical
power or born in the family with history of
magic power is likely to be wizard. Most people
do not understand the important of those people
instead they are isolated in our society the case
of harry potter in Dursley family.
Dobby remembers how it was before
Harry Potter triumphed over He-Who-
Must-Not-Be-Named. We house-elves
After the Veldonom was killed by Harry the
people at least are at peace. The house of elf are
good as it a victory celebrated by people of
Surname 10
were treated like vermin, sir. Of course,
Dobby is still treated like vermin.
(Rowling 33)
lower class. Despite the victory, Dobby’s
family are living awful.
You'd never know the Weasleys were
pure-bloods, the way they behave. They're
an embarrassment to the wizarding world.
All of them. (Rowling 72)
Dramaco is disgusted after he realize that he
was talking to Ron. His pretty reasoning is
reflected in the way he think. Wesley’s are
traitors to be the true wizards when in really
sense they do not support.
Master has presented Dobby with clothes.
Dobby is free (Rowling 188)
In the sentence Lucious agrees to give dobby
his freedom but for him he is not happy for that
move. For harry justice has already been
restored and the class society no longer have
their servants.
Let me introduce you to your new
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,
Gilderoy Lockhart,” (Rowling 39)
Those words were from Lockhart which shows
that he has an remarkable resume has an
impressive resume.at the end we find that he
got the words through deceitful his pants.
Do you think I should have told them?
Dumbledore and the others, I mean?
(Rowling 79)
The quotes presents some little lies where the
students are worried after being attached by
unknown monster. Ron was worried about
funny voices experienced in the head of harry.
Surname 11
“The Sorting Hat only put my in
Gryffindor," said Harry in a defeated
voice, because I asked not to go in
Slytherin." "Exactly," said Dumbledore,
beaming once more. " (Rowling 122)
The words make a different in harry potters
novel. It shows that truth and the ability of
people in our society. The choices we make are
essential to determine whether we remain
strong when facing daily challenges or we
emerge victorious.
"I'm very busy with schoolwork, of
course"- How can she be? ... We're on
vacation! (Rowling 28)
Those words were from Ron while he reading a
letter written by Hermione. Ron wondered how
some people are busy with classwork yet at that
time it was on a vacation. For him the magic
power they believe in will just work for him
hence no need of doing the school assignment.
"because he missed out on the Defence
Against the Dark Arts job again!"
"Or he might have been sacked!" said Ron
enthusiastically. "I mean, everyone hates
him" "Or maybe," (Rowling 41)
The words were a discussion of Ron and Harry
on the teacher who rarely misses the class. The
students are only interested in the power of
being educated in arts subjects.
I'll make it,' Lockhart butted in. 'I must
have done it a hundred times, I could whip
up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my
sleep”. (Rowling 64)
The words shows some sort of humiliation
where Lockhart uses his position to oppress the
students. For him he believes that he is above
everything. The issue of inequality in our
Surname 12
'Excuse me,' said Snape icily, 'but I
believe I am the Potions master at this
school.' (Rowling 144)
society is common where the gap between the
poor and rich is quiet significant. Everyone
strives to acquire fame in that they control the
minority group in the society.
That was a Disarming Charm -- as you
see, I've lost my wand -- ah, thank you,
Miss Brown -- yes, an excellent idea to
show them that, Professor Snape,”
(Rowling 129)
The attractive meant for professor Snape who
was committed ensuring that his students get
right ideas of magic. Miss brown supports the
magical power of Harry and Ron determined to
become the best school.
"But that's very important!' said Hermione,
shocked. Not the way Lockhart teaches it,'
said Ron. 'I haven't learned anything from
him except not to set pixies loose.”
(Rowling 55)
All students defended the dark art in the
society, Lockhart uses the Harry and Ron to
make sure that they eliminate the dark arts in
school and embrace magical arts.
I will only truly have left this school
when none here are loyal to me … Help
will always be given at Hogwarts to those
who ask for it. (Rowling 85)
Those were words Harry remembered from
Lockhart when they were finishing school.
According to harry, Lockhart was ready to
support the students as long as they are loyal to
him. He uses the social class in the society to
oppress others who arises to be famous.
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what
Those words were from Ron who was advising
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we truly are far more than our abilities.”
(Rowling 17)
harry potter to take full responsibility of their
action as they have the ability of making the
right decision.
“You will find that I will only truly have
left this school when none here are loyal to
me.” (Rowling 123)
The word shows that educators need support
from their learners to support them in school.
The student exercises loyalty when their needs
are addressed. For instance, Mr. Lockhart got
the support after he joined them to fight the
dark art.
It seemed to go on for hours. Mrs.
Weasley had shouted herself hoarse before
she turned on Harry, who backed away.
Despite Mr. Weasley worried about the safety
of her son, she had fear that her husband could
lose the job. Hence from the statement, in the
world of Harry potter, wizards are really
important in their secrecy and anonymity. The
wizards should always remain hidden and allow
them to live the live that is of little contact with
those individuals who are non-magic.
It means "dirty blood." Mudblood's a foul
name for someone who's Muggle-born.
Someone with non-magic parents.
(Rowling 50)
The quotes clearly defines what it means by
Mudblood to a wizard. Those with magical
power benefits those families who have pure
blood of magic history.
Surname 14
Harry Potter must say he's not going back
to school. (Rowling 59)
The words refers harry who had to make a
choice after he was expelled from school.
However, he defuses to go back to Hogwarts
school to continue with his studies. Harry’s
decision not go back to school worked for him.
Bad business, Hagrid, very bad business.
Had to come. Three attacks on Muggle-
borns. Things have gone far enough. The
Ministry's got to act. (Rowling 35)
The quotes implies the challenge the ministry of
magic had to make a choice instead of choosing
Hagrid, he selected Azkabab. The wrong
choices we made impacts us negatively as we
are responsible to provide an appropriate
Work cited
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. 2019, pp. 1-219.

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