Health care access policy

Health Care Access Policy.
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Access to good health care, quality health care, and comprehensive health care services is
significant for preventing and curtailing emerging diseases, reducing the level of disability cases
recorded, promoting and maintaining health among citizens and lastly, getting an equity health
level to all Americans and even other countries citizens. Access to care majors mostly on the
provision of health services, health insurance coverage measures and access to all-time health care.
It is important to also consider oral health care and obtain necessary prescribed drugs when it
considering matters dealing with health care services. When we keep an eye into the current issue
on the health care services America has not yet achieved most of these health care aspects mostly
in the rural areas. According to The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that was
implemented in order to ensure that each and every individual or citizen access quality, and
comprehensive medical or health care services. PPACA a law that was enacted and amended in
March 2010, was purposely made and put into action to regulate insurance companies, health care
providers, employees and even individuals. These parties were the key or the main reasons as to
why the United States Government came up with new rule or guidelines that will offer the
Administration, Acceptance health care in the United States in America. (MAIONI, 2018)
The law has various effects to various parties such as insurance companies, hospitals, individuals,
and employers since it has different sections that mandate different parties in the healthcare unit
to have at least a minimum essential coverage or face a tax penalty if they fail to do as per the law
section. For example, it mandates individuals or employees to have at least a minimum essential
coverage or an employer to provide an at least minimum essential coverage to his or her
employees. This act forces the various parties involved to ensure that their access to health care
services is eased and made continuous and actually this will solve the issues of emerging diseases
cases and reduce mortality rates.
The main assumptions of the PPACA were to provide an expansion of the health care services to
an individual level and this was made possible the act of regulating and guiding the insurance
companies to access health care coverage to individual levels by providing a personal insurance
cover at a personal level and at cheap prices. Actually this act has tried to its best level to ensure
that the law is implemented by respective bodies in the United States by making strict, thus why
one sees for the case of employers or companies providing a minimum essential health care
coverage to their employees or if not, they face a tax penalty and this has enabled improve the
health care services to a certain level.
A good number of Americans have been accessing good and quality healthcare services that help
the have a full access to the national federal health care system. However, some other groups of
Americans face various barriers to accessing the health care services fully and some of the groups
that are seen to be disadvantaged by the access of the good and quality health care services are the
racial and the ethnic minorities and the people (groups) with the low socioeconomic status. These
groups are actually not insured and this makes them not get services form the national health care
centers since they are poor. They are not in the position of obtaining the cover for their health
services or even if they could be working the PPACA could favor them through their employer
where the employers are required to provide a cover to their employees.
Poor access to health services may have effects on several levels of stages that is, individual level,
societal level and even national level. This is evidenced by when individuals fail to access better
health services they suffer from a variety of diseases that may lead to an emergence of some other
chronic diseases that in return affect the entire society and finally the whole nation. This makes
the national government take action of seeing the measures to be taken in order to solve the
problem that has become a disaster which actually it becomes a burden to the government.
A good and quality health care access unit means that it provides individuals with timely access
of the healthcare services and obtaining the best outcomes since access of the good and quality
health care require the following three steps.
Individuals get entry to the healthcare systems.
Individuals get the entry to the healthcare sites where they will receive the services they need.
Results providers who meet the individual's needs and whom individuals can develop a
relationship and have a mutual communication and trust between them.
In order to tell whether health care access policy is well deployed in a certain region, one has to
assume a measuring scale and has to make sure the following measurements are met.
The health care access unit should look into the structural measures of the presence or the absence
of specific resources that enhance the access of the health services such as having the insurance
covers or having a usual source of health care.
The healthcare unit should assess the patients and get the information on how easily they get access
to the healthcare centers and get timely services.
The unit should also assess whether the patients get the best outcomes after they seek the
attendance from the health services from various national health centers.
KEYWORDS: Healthcare, Access, Insurance Cover, Policy
According to (MEILI, 2017)The Affordable Care Act's main target is to make all Americans secure
an insurance cover, by making an inquiry to all insurers to accept all insurance applicants at rates
based on population averages without considering their health status. The act also enhance
coverage increase by allowing states to make a Medicaid expansion (the social healthcare program
for families and people with low income and resources) to ensure every person who is near the
poverty line, and by subsidizing private insurance cover for people who have a high socioeconomic
status or not poor but who do not have workplace insurance coverage. The act enables most
individuals to keep the same kind of cover that they currently have, and it does not change how
private coverage pays physicians and hospitals. Although the act falls short of targeting truly
universal coverage, nine million uncovered individuals have received insurance cover so far.
Market reforms have not hurt the coverage industry's profitability, costs for persons' coverage have
been totally lower than expected, and government prices so far have been less than projected prior.
The act expands several continuing programs that are on test in Medicare that reform the payment
mode of doctors and hospitals, but it does not directly interfere with how private coverers pay
healthcare providers. Nevertheless, it has set into motion market dynamics that are affecting
medical activities, like limiting insurance networks to fewer providers and requiring individuals to
pay for more treatment prices on their own. In response, many health centers and physicians are
forming closer and larger affiliations. Further time and study are required to study whether these
evolutionary variations will achieve their targets without harming the doctor-patient relationship.
According to (Scott McLean, 2014) states that health workforces the most crucial thing that should
be put into practice and make the first priority in government activities that should be carried out
with an immediate effect. Since the shortage of the skilled personnel in the national health centers
will lead to a shortage of services to patients that attend in those national health centers. The
authors go ahead stating that a good number of specialists should be distributed in various centers
and also the required health facilities should be availed in order to make the service providing units
work with ease. Kam and Sophie say that in every health center various types of equipment that
deal with different type of diseases should be funded in each and every hospital or health center.
This will enhance the best results or outcomes after the patients are attended be the specialist in
the center. They further state that most health centers in rural and underdeveloped countries lack
even the health centers themselves. Or even these areas may have the health centers but they lack
enough drugs, special equipment, and even specialists to attend to patients and this lead to these
areas to be most affected hence high mortality rates and disease outbreaks are experienced. And
in return this affect the entire nation since the respective nation will run to help its citizens and will
end up spending a lot of resources than it could have used when the need was to avail workforce,
smooth working environment-that is to avail drugs, build health centers and fully equip the center.
So they end up with a conclusion that each and every state should take preventive measures to
certain problems before the problems grow to an uncontrollable level.
In accordance with (Regal do, 2014) most people in rural area are poor. They have a very low
socioeconomic status hence they do not have the opportunity of them accessing the health
insurance coverage that will help them access the health services for themselves and their families.
This makes them get little from the health centers or even nothing. They further state that the
national government should come up with a policy that will fund the poor in the society get the
insurance coverage that will help them have hopes to access the health services. This will make a
country move in a smooth manner no cases of child or adult mortality will be experienced, no
disease outbreaks and many other health-wise problems that may be as a result of poor health
access. The author explains further by stating that once a country has an established policy in the
health unit, will have a good development ground and actually it will take no time before that
country is termed as a developed one.
According to (Feldman, 2016) Health care access is a core component of health care policies. In
the main theme of the level increase of unmet requirements for medical care since 2009, the SPC
context review performed jointly with the Working Party of Public health at Senior level
(WPPHSL) in 2015 on the agenda of health care access provided a chance for the Member States
to share information on difficulties, good practices and the learnt lessons from the implementation
of health care policies and reforms in relation to health care access. Member States reported on
their country experiences, focusing on core dimensions of health care access, including resources
allocation to health care centers, insurance and affordability, and the availability of the services.
The meeting also highlighted the need for appropriate consideration of the competences of
Member States as regards the definition of their federal health policy and for the organization and
delivery of health services. The need for better collection of data, indicator development and
governing as core components for understanding the hindrances to access and for devising correct
policy solutions has also been stressed. International organizations active in health policy, as well
as various Commission Directorates-General, reported on their tasks with a particular focus on
initiatives related to the evidence base on accessibility issues. The major debate availed a number
of policy lessons related to further debates on the difficulties of securing appropriate and cost-
effective access to health care and medical services.
In general, the final research on the effects of Medicaid expansion under the ACA suggests that
expansion has had largely positive impacts on insurance; access to health care, utilization of health
services, and affordability of the health services; and economic outcomes of the health services,
including effects on state budgets, unfunded care prices for hospitals and other health centers, and
employment and the labor market. However, results on the health service provider capacity are
mixed, with some studies suggesting that producers' shortages are a difficulty in certain agendas.
Generally, these results suggest a potential for gains in insurance and health access as well as
economic profits to states and producers in the remaining non-expansion states that may be
considering adopting the expansion in the future. (Emanuel, 2014)
While future research will be necessary to study the effects of new waiver provisions recently
approved by or pending approval from the Trump administration, results from this literature review
on states with existing expansion waivers (such as Indiana) suggest that addition of new
restrictions or program complexities to Medicaid through Section 1115 waivers could compromise
coverage and access gains gained from under expansion or slow future progress. main questions
for future consideration include whether increased flexibility under Section 1115 waiver authority
will result in roll-backs in coverage, whether additional states will adopt the expansion and under
what conditions, and how new Medicaid expansion-related restrictions and requirements will
impact states, beneficiaries, and providers. We will continue to monitor and update this literature
review as additional studies and state experiences provide insight into how various factors shape
coverage, access to care, and costs in Medicaid expansion states and as states continue to consider
expansion and reshape Medicaid coverage. (HANKIVSKY, 2016)
Role of Research Information in Reshaping the Health Care Access Policy.
Research plays a significant role in the field of any policy, research helps the researcher acquire
the basic information that will answer the objectives or the research problem that led to the carrying
of the research. Like for our case our research problem, we need to know the role of research
information collected in reshaping the Health Care Access policy. For our case research has helped
us understand the following. (Scott McLean, 2014)
Research information has helped identify measurable health consequences that have a wide
range of fundamental or root causes. Research information has enabled the cause or the
barriers that hinder most of the individuals not access the health care access. The
information shows that like in our case, people with low socioeconomic status fail to have
insurance covers that would help them access the health care due to lack of funds that
would help them pay the premiums that are paid in the insurance providers. This will help
the government to reform the policy governing the insurance companies to a level that will
enable the poor have an opportunity or even reform the policies that may be the pay the
premiums to the poor in order to avoid the consequences that may occur as a result of the
poor lacking the insurance covers that will help them access health centers easily.
The other thing that the research information will help, is that the government will also
understand the population that is lacking the national health services, where they are
located or even the type of service required in that region. This will enable the government
comes up with a national policy that will decentralize resources all over the country just to
make each and every citizen access the health services. Hence the reshape of the policy
would have been made.
Research information helps in the systematic assessment of the health care access
consequences of policy, programs, projects, and planning decisions are of major
significance for protecting and promoting public healthcare access because it allows the
people who are involved in the decision-making process to consider the health effects with
other factors. They will help in the allocation of the exact resources in the various projects
and programs and the surplus is invested in another field of development. And in one way
or the other then information will have reshaped the policy.
Research information will help the nation realize the population distribution in the country,
this help also the nation realize the disasters that are likely to face the country hence, and
as a result, it will force the nation to take caution. For example on the case of citizens failing
to access health care due to lack of health centers in the country, will make the government
under that ministry manipulate the health care policy in order to take measures that will
help curb the problem or even solve the problem completely thus the policy will be already
in a reshape/reform.
Improvements to be made on the laws governing the Health Care Policy.
There are various changes that need to make on the laws governing the National Health Care
Policy, some of the laws that need to be improved are: National health care policy guiding and
regulatory laws, Administrations laws, Patient protection laws and National health care policy
resource utilization rules. (WILLIAMS, 2014)
National Health Care Policy guiding and regulatory laws.
Laws and rules guiding and regulating the health care policies need to be revisited and
changes made, like those guiding the issue on the insurance companies and the business
companies, a law should be imposed that will make the sale of insurance cover go at a
cheap price, this will make each and every individual have an insurance cover hence none
will be barred from accessing the health care services. The national government should
make a law that pins employers to cover their employees, this will make most individuals
more so those working in either private or public institutions get an insurance cover, and
hence no one will claim not to be in a position of not accessing the health care services.
The law should also ensure that each and every person is forced to take a health insurance
cover and if not, a fine tax will be imposed on those who boycott the law. This
implementation will make citizens never to worry when accessing various health services.
Administration laws on Health Services Access Policy.
The administration in the national health care policy law should also be revisited, the policy
should be one that ensure that the health care unit manage the national health centers well,
provide the required facilities to those health centers and also make sure there are
specialists (Physicians and Doctors/ nurses) in every health center, unlike the law that does
not bother the administration to carry its responsibilities properly.
Patient Protection Law.
The national government should ensure that a law is passed that govern the patients from
manipulation. This will make several patients feel free when accessing the health services
and in return, the relationship between the service providers and the patients will be
enhanced. Most patients will appreciate the services rendered and the health care policy
would have made a greater step.
National Health Care Resources Utilization Law.
A law must be made that govern the resources that the national government give for the
healthcare unit to use in order to ensure good and quality healthcare services are rendered
to each and every patient all over the nation. Most of the resources given to facilitate the
healthcare unit are embezzled and finally, none of the resources are utilized to meet the
healthcare units' needs.
In conclusion, the national health center should ensure that each and every policy in its various
units its well managed and service to the intended unit is availed to a level that is a satisfactory
one. Should ensure that all the measures that need to be taken in order to ensure that health care
services are on point.
Emanuel, E. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act Will Improve Our Health Access. Reinventing American
Health Care.
Feldman, A. M. (2016). Bridging the Gap Between Myth and Reality. Understanding Health Care Reform.
HANKIVSKY, O. (2016). Health Inqualities in Canada. Canada: University of Washington.
MAIONI, C. P. (2018). Health Care and The Charter. Canada: University of Washington Press.
MEILI, R. (2017). A Healthy Society. Canada: University of Washington Press.
Regaldo, S. M. (2014). Rural Health Care Access Policy in Developing Countries. Canada: Laurentina
University Press.
Scott McLean, D. B.-J. (2014). Building Health Promotion Capacity. Canada: University of Washington
WILLIAMS, J. C. (2014). Health in Rural Canada. Canada: University of Washington Press.

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