In general, the final research on the effects of Medicaid expansion under the ACA suggests that
expansion has had largely positive impacts on insurance; access to health care, utilization of health
services, and affordability of the health services; and economic outcomes of the health services,
including effects on state budgets, unfunded care prices for hospitals and other health centers, and
employment and the labor market. However, results on the health service provider capacity are
mixed, with some studies suggesting that producers' shortages are a difficulty in certain agendas.
Generally, these results suggest a potential for gains in insurance and health access as well as
economic profits to states and producers in the remaining non-expansion states that may be
considering adopting the expansion in the future. (Emanuel, 2014)
While future research will be necessary to study the effects of new waiver provisions recently
approved by or pending approval from the Trump administration, results from this literature review
on states with existing expansion waivers (such as Indiana) suggest that addition of new
restrictions or program complexities to Medicaid through Section 1115 waivers could compromise
coverage and access gains gained from under expansion or slow future progress. main questions
for future consideration include whether increased flexibility under Section 1115 waiver authority
will result in roll-backs in coverage, whether additional states will adopt the expansion and under
what conditions, and how new Medicaid expansion-related restrictions and requirements will
impact states, beneficiaries, and providers. We will continue to monitor and update this literature
review as additional studies and state experiences provide insight into how various factors shape
coverage, access to care, and costs in Medicaid expansion states and as states continue to consider
expansion and reshape Medicaid coverage. (HANKIVSKY, 2016)