administration (Gandolfi, 2013). The organization has to convince the workers about the
need to implement what might appear negative, but it is inevitable.
However, it will be inappropriate for the management to sell to the workers an
idea which is already in the public domain. When an issue has already reached the
workers, it means that the employees have already discussed and made up their minds
and as such selling the idea will be inconsequential.
c) Involve them in determining what is to be done
Participation is one of the methods that people use to ensure that they improve the level at
which employees respond positively to change. Some of the situations that are
appropriate to this method include scenarios when this method is applicable in cases
where the change is likely to alter significant activities of the organization.
However, it will be challenging to use this approach if the proposed change
requires quick decision-making process. When many people are involved in the
implementation of an organizational project, then this slows down the process.
Question Three
a) Ranking of qualities
When ranking individual intelligence, conscientiousness in the performance of the task
and personal values, more focus should be on personal values. Personal values determine
the ability of a worker to respond positively to organizational culture (Noe et al., 2014).
The second factor should be conscientiousness since this is the output that a person can
generate. Lastly, individual intelligence will be the least consideration since in most cases
when someone is intelligent, it does not mean that he or she is a performer.
b) Use of integrity test