It is quite clear that some conditions and complications are self-implicated, If one takes a
self-initiative to practice good lifestyle choices, they significantly reduce their chance of
getting sick.
At the end of it all, personal health practices and coping skills are essential in making
the right health choices. Coping skills refer to skills that once acquire earlier in life and
allows them in engaging in healthy lifestyles as well as make an informed choice. When
stressed, taking alcohol or engaging in smoking does not lower the stress lives or solve any
problems. Instead, one can indulge in hobbies or sports activities. This does not only help in
cooling off but also is beneficial to health. On the other hand, it serves no good engaging
yourself in binge-watching or playing video games. This behavior that has mostly been
attributed to causing obesity among other health conditions can be avoided if people engage
in outdoor activities (Diefenbach, Miller-Halegoua, & Bowen, 2016).
Surveys conducted by consumers’ federation among other organizations show that
consumer attitudes vary by individual. This widely influences their choice of food regarding
health aspects among other factors. Surprisingly, there is also optimistic bias where people
perceive their selection of meals to be healthy hence fail to adopt any dietary changes. In this
case, it is evident that people have made personal choices on what they want to eat and how
they want to eat. This makes them think that their colleagues are at a higher risk of
contracting lifestyle diseases (Diefenbach, Miller-Halegoua, & Bowen, 2016).
Despite only contributing to 25% of health determinants, their role and impact in
healthcare cannot be taken for granted. Proper lifestyle and behavioral choices should be
embraced and taken seriously. Making a healthy choice is the easiest choice. As the saying
goes, charity begins at home, and so does healthy living; it is a self-initiated task.