Hip Hop Music
Music is an art that is beyond words. Whenever tunes play in a club or a social gathering,
some individuals become excited because they can relate a particular song to a memorable past
event. For this reason, people listen to different types of melodies depending on factors, such as
place of birth, religion, the harmonies their parents preferred while growing up, and personality.
On my case, nothing can soothe my soul like listening to the hip-hop music.
Hip Hop music started in the early 1970s in South Bronx. Since then, it has spread across
the world, and it is now a culture due to its influence on youths. Besides, these melodies bring
change in the world. Thy focuses on addressing various social issues humanity experience, such
as dictatorship, poor governance, education, gender, HIV/AIDS, among others (Pough, 2015).
Therefore, the Hip Hop songs have pushed for the actualization of reforms across the world,
especially where there is no democratic government.
Hip Hop music brings an element of appreciation to society and the people in it. For
instance, 2Pac, through his 1995 Dear Mama song, he exhaustively demonstrates how to
appreciate one's mother (Dear Mama, 1995). The message is appropriate, especially in male
chauvinistic communities. Hence, the hip-hop music can change the deeply rooted culture of
looking down upon women.
Moreover, the Hip Hop industry is a source of direct and indirect employment. For
example, recording artists, studio investors, and instrument players thrive when this sector
grows. Similarly, this music genre led to the rise of new careers such as graffiti artists (Pough,
2015). In turn, hip-hop music has resulted in the development of new occupations such as graffiti
artists and provides income opportunities to scores of professionals.