Surname 2
represented the endpoint of reform movement in the United States movement by sharpening the
lives of people who suffered from depression events because of social affairs and economics.
The culmination of progressive ideal took place as second and first reforms. Major
progressive programs included civilian conservation, Administration on civil works,
Administration on farmer security. Besides, Farmers, elderly, and youths gained support. Full
employment impacted American Economy during the occurrence of world war II. The massive
war doubled the Gross National Product. Furthermore, the events of military Keynesianism
initiated full employment. Full employment resulted in a massive movement of farmers from the
marginal areas plus school students and homemakers to secure job. There was a low level of
barriers regarding married women, unskilled individuals, and older people based on racial
minorities. Roosevelt ordered for the investigation on work discrimination, nationality, race, and
creed, which affected the US economy. Before the formulation of the new deal, the USA
suffered from unemployment opportunities, insurance, and social security that affected the
economy of the state.
World War II ended a great depression in the United States of America. The social
impact changed the role of women who found themselves in different workforces. Women got
jobs in weaponry, vehicles, aircraft, and building ships. The diversity realized ladies exposure to
logistic support and their professional work areas. Women dominated trade during WWII when
men went to attend to war in the USA. WWII enlisted racism in the social context that affected
African Americans because of social segregation (Mitchell, 22). Franklin believed in his New
Deal that the recovery from the Great Depression was to ensure a balanced budget and economic
growth. The regime witnessed declined productivity and unemployment rates surged.