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How does the Catholic Church express its relationship to both Judaism and Islam?
The Catholic Church examines very closely the relationship between her and other
religions in her task to promote love and unity in the world. She aims at declaring what is common
among the people of these religions that can calls them to fellowship and causes unity in the world.
For all the people of all times, there is a perception of a secret power that influences the course of
things and what happens in the life of a human. Religions have tried to provide answers to these
questions by means of a developed language and refined concepts.
The Catholic Church believes that there is much that is shared between Christianity, and
especially The Church, and Islam and Judaism. The Catholics and the Muslims worship one God
and live in submission to Him. Both submit to the decrees of God wholeheartedly. Abraham is a
figure of faith in Islam just as he is in Christianity, and the people of both religions strive to have
faith like that of Abraham. As such, the Catholic Church encourages Muslims and Christians to
work towards understanding each other, to promote and preserve freedom, peace, moral welfare
and social justice for the benefit of all people.
Furthermore, the Church acknowledges that her root is in the Jews, since almost all the
early ministers who spread the Gospel of Christ were Jews. According to the saving plan
established by God, the beginning of the Christian faith is to be found among the Patriarchs, the