his research, he concludes that parents do not view technology as a threat to their children even
though it has the capacity of exposing children to inappropriate content. Polly, on the other hand,
states that teachers who make use of technology in their classrooms are better prepared for
future. However, this calls for adequate training to enhance their knowledge of modern
technology related learning and the provision of relevant content that can be integrated into
online coursework within the institution. Therefore, the paper focuses on these concepts
introduced by Blackwell, Collins, Hahn, Plowman, and Polly while evaluating how they will
influence the future of education.
According to Blackwell et al. (2014), the use of technology in the classroom has shown
the potential of improving the performance of students as it fosters their attitude towards
learning. Moreover, it improves their confidence and thus plays a significant role in helping them
understand the content and further promote student’s support. However, though technology can
enhance the learning process, does not have power change the teaching and learning practice in
itself as only teachers can do that. They are the core players who must modulate the learning
process according to need (Blackwell, 2014). Therefore, the introduction of technology lies in
the capacity of the teacher to use it in a classroom as well as their attitude; this will make better
the teaching and further enhance the future of education.
Collins et al. (2010), introduces a concept of contemplating the integration of technology
into the learning and teaching practice which can bring a change to the learning process. This
suggests challenges that are connected to technology and thus it is critical to consider what can
be done to improve the status of education in the future. The traditional teaching models are not
coherent with the digital media and thus the teachers have to undergo a transformation phase