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education cannot be entirely blamed for being responsible for the outcome of the student’s
achievements. It is equally imperative to note that some of the experiences and structures that
ought to have harkened back to the bygone era in education may be the part of future learning as
well as teaching. Thus taking into account of the stakeholders involved including the students,
teachers, policymakers, administrators, taxpayers as well as policymakers the following steps are
essential in moving forward towards making schools better (Milofsky pg.437).
Creating a Culture and Environment That Enhance a Student’s Learning Experience
Students and teachers can be engaged in various ways to authenticate experiences of
learning. For instance, tending a garden gives students the chance of shaping their environment
as well as participating in the fundamental transformation of the plant’s seedling. Also putting a
theatre production tends to share the experience of others, turning the audience to be a central
part of learning. Students need to be encouraged to create a museum or gallery display in a
process that is real in that way honoring arts and history. Additionally, they might build a robot
that encompasses the full range of scientific principles as well as design. There are numerous
unlimited possibilities that school communities can come together, thereby creating something
that can make schools better (Kozol, pg. 53-62).
Emphasis on Building Community
Students face a growing list of pressures, both real as well as imagined. It is
recommendable that superintendents together with school boards, take into consideration of the
substance-abuse and mental health issues. The reality of the matter is that students of all age
require compelling experiences that ought to engage them in their one-to-one learning
communities. The truth of the matter is that developing deep as well as abiding personal