
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 1
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Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 2
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
2.0Transformational Leadership Theory .......................................................................... 3
3.0 Charismatic Leadership Theory ................................................................................ 6
4.0 Leadership, Gender and Diversity ............................................................................. 7
5.0 Global strategic leadership ........................................................................................ 9
6.0 Leadership development ......................................................................................... 10
7.0 Leading Teams and Others ..................................................................................... 11
8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 12
9.0 Reference List ......................................................................................................... 13
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 3
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability
1.0 Introduction
In the current information age, organizational management has been refined to
accommodate minute details which are comprehensively discussed and executed in
order to meet organizational requirements and goals. Among the issues that have
grown in importance in organizations globally is sustainability which currently covers
different aspects including social, political, legal, economic, environmental and
technological aspects. Sustainable development is currently the present challenge in
organizations and has been strategically integrated into leadership to comprehensively
influence in organizations (Benn et al, 2014). Sustainable development in organizations
means that organizations are striving to change their current modes of operations to
better statuses of operations that are beneficial to the current workforce as well as the
future one (Benn et al, 2014).
Sustainable leadership encompasses responsibility over individuals, groups, an
organization as well as a society (Epstein & Buhovac, 2014). Additionally, sustainable
leadership involves responses to the organizational environment and strives to maintain
and employee force that is loyal to the organization. Maintaining sustainability in
leadership requires that all organizational policies, operations and values be linked to
sustainability (Dillon et al, 2014). Over the years, there have been different approaches
to leadership used in different organizations to execute the goals of the companies.
These leadership strategies continue to evolve with respect to increased information
and evidence of strategies that have worked. In response to the impact on
organizational sustainability in Coca-Cola Company, this retro respect paper seeks to
discuss different types of leadership theories applied in the company as well as the
leadership themes used in the management of the successful brand with regards to
2.0Transformational Leadership Theory
Transformational leadership has been linked to the success of CEOs (Zhang et al,
2015), the effectiveness of managers in the middle level of organizations (Ou et al,
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 4
2014), leadership across cultures (Muenjohn & Armstrong, 2015) leadership in the
military among other studies. Transformational leadership is primarily defined as an
approach to leadership that causes a shift in individuals and social systems (Wang et al,
2017). The theory on transformational leadership was first introduced by Burns (1978)
who pointed out the differences between management and leadership as attributed to
different behavior and characteristics (Wang et al, 2017). Basically, transformational
leadership promotes change among the followers with the ultimate goal of making
leaders from followers. This type of leadership encourages positivity and valuable
change. In transformation leadership, the morale, motivation and performance of
followers are enhanced through diverse ways. Among these mechanisms are the
connection of the follower’s sense of identity to the mission and the overall
distinctiveness of the organization. Additionally, the motivation and performance of
followers can be enhanced through inspiring them by acting as role models and
challenging followers to be accountable for their work. Transformational leadership
moreover recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of followers so that tasks can be
aligned based on their performance. There are different components of transformational
leadership including consideration of an individual, intellectual stimulation, inspirational
motivation and idealized influence (Kark &7 Shamir, 203). Individual consideration takes
into account the extent to which the leader pays attention to the needs of the follower
through coaching and listening to the concerns and requirements of the follower. In this
element, the leader is empathetic to the followers and provides support. Additionally,
communication between the leader and the followers is open and there are challenges
placed upon the followers. This element furthermore emphasizes on individual respect
and appreciation of the follower on the contribution that the follower makes to the team.
The element describes the followers as having intrinsic motivation to carry out their
The second element in transformational leadership is intellectual stimulation which
describes the degree to which assumptions by the leader are challenged. The leader
takes risks and invests in the ideas of the followers. Moreover, creativity is encouraged
and independent thinkers are nurtured. The first two elements on individualized
consideration and intellectual stimulation apply to the Coca-Cola Company where there
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 5
is a corporate culture that appreciates the individual contribution and encourages
growth through empowering its employees (Coca Cola, 2017). Through concentration
on the talent and skill of its employees as well as the unique characteristics of every
country, Coca-Cola Company has sustainably shown evidence of its social
responsibility through target advertisement and activation on different levels based on
the countries of operation (Coca Cola, 2017). The subsequent element as discussed in
transformational leadership is inspirational motivation which is the extent to which the
leader challenges followers with high expectations and communicate positively about
upcoming goals. The leader additionally gives meaning to the task to help the followers
have the motivation to move forward. Empowerment of employees is high in Coca-Cola
Company and the leadership allows for ideas from their followers as well as nurturing
them (Coca Cola, 2017). Coca-Cola Company is known for its work culture of
challenging people to think diversely and be inspired to be significant. The fourth
element in transformational leadership is an idealized influence which offers an
exemplary model for outstanding ethical conduct and behavior that gains trust and
respect as well as instilling pride. The Coca-Cola brand is known for its distinctiveness
and its employees as well as consumers of the brand pride themselves on the unique
products and services as well as the feeling of belonging that the brand provides. The
elements discussed above portray this company as an organization that has taken up
transformational leadership in its operations and execution of sustainability.
It is noteworthy to establish the benefits of transformational leadership in a company as
they create unique advantages for the organization. According to Burns (1978),
transformational leadership develops exceptional people skills which are beneficial to
the organization in terms of motivating employees to be productive in their tasks (Wang
et al, 2017). Furthermore, the transformational leader has a high ability to retain
employees as they feel comfortable and proud to be working in the organization through
the confidence instilled in them. Further benefits include new initiatives that can be
adopted by the organization to enhance its operations as well as corporate learning
which improves outcomes of current employees and equips them for fruitful work. As
seen from the exceptional performance of Coca-Cola Company across different
countries, transformational leadership has played a great role in sustainably defining the
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 6
organization through different aspects including economically, socially and politically in
their business. Criticism of transformational leadership, however, has to be taken into
account based on different studies and experiences from a business that provide
alternative thinking to the theory. According to Jolley (2015), transformational leadership
cannot be taught easily due to the comprehensiveness of the elements. Jolley (2015)
furthermore states that transformational leadership may easily result in abuse of power
and as such provide an avenue for unethical practices. There is an immense argument
about the lack of clarity of the definitions and components of transformational leadership
which have been debated as seemingly overlapping each other. Ciulla (2014) moreover
states that the leadership style is more of personal attributes as opposed to particular
requirements for a leader.
3.0 Charismatic Leadership Theory
Charismatic leadership involves a strong personality and attributes of a leader where
followers attracted to the leader due to this quality (Dillon et al, 2014). In current
leadership scenarios, the personality of the leader in an organization strongly affects the
corporate image of the organization (Antinakis & House, 2013). Charismatic leadership
works through reliance of followers upon the charismatic leader. Among the
characteristics of charismatic leadership is the control that the leader has overt the
performance of the organization as he or she establishes opportunities for the followers
(Dillon et al, 2014). Charismatic leadership additionally entails the presence and
dependency upon the relationship that exists between the leader and the followers. The
leader provides opportunities for the followers and has the ability to motivate these
followers to follow through with the drive to achieve the goal for the organization (LePine
et al, 2016). In charismatic leadership, the relationship between the leader and the
follower is significant as the two have to coexist for this leadership approach to work.
The attributes of a charismatic leader include self-confidence, extraordinary behavior,
strong faith in their vision, seekers of change, image builders, role models, the
inspiration of the motives of followers and the articulation of goals (LePine et al, 2016).
The benefits of having charismatic leadership in a company include a single vision that
the entire organization can focus on. Charismatic leadership moreover creates a
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 7
cohesive workforce that is dedicated towards meeting the goals of an organization. In
charismatic leadership, the leader helps the members of the organization to clearly see
the goal and addresses any gaps between what the organization is required to deliver
and the performance of the organization. The previous CEO of Coca-Cola Company,
Muhtar Kent had several charismatic attributes including self-confidence and strong
faith in his vision to see the company at the top of the industry which was ultimately
achieved as the organization has succeeded in carrying out sustainable business over
the years (Banks, 2016).
The strengths of charismatic leadership include the inspiration that the leaders give their
followers to work together. Organizations with charismatic leadership moreover have a
purpose that drives them towards the completion of the company goals. Muhtar Kent’s
era as the CEO of Coca-Cola saw a dedicated team of employees who worked with
passion to maintain the reputation of the brand and provide quality products and
services which made the company a leader in the industry (Banks, 2016). The
weaknesses of charismatic leadership, on the other hand, include too much
dependency on the leader which devalues the contribution of other members of the
organization as all the importance goes to the leader. The charismatic leader may also
assign himself too much self-importance which undermines the priorities of the
company as the leader will only care about his personal success. Charismatic
leadership is often affected by the absence of leaders that could succeed the position
since charisma is not a general quality that can is possessed by everyone or one that
can be learnt (Grabo et al, 2017).
4.0 Leadership, Gender and Diversity
Sustainable leadership has bettered the concept of appreciation of diversity and gender
at the work place through advocating for policies such as equity (Boulouta, 2013).
Leadership has a great impact on the corporate culture towards the treatment of the
different genders and persons from diverse backgrounds (Boulouta, 2013). Most
employees will treat their colleagues based on how their leaders approach them. It is
therefore upon leaders to encourage change through leadership styles such as
transformation to achieve equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace. Despite
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 8
there being an improvement in the treatment of women at the workplace and
appreciation of different backgrounds, there is still more that can be done to make work
conditions comfortable for every employee. Challenges that affect the sustainable
leadership practices regarding gender and diversity include rigid beliefs by the senior
leaders of the company, strict cultures in different countries, little information on
progressive leadership and unethical behavior (Western, 2013).
Management of diversity covers the social, economic and moral aspects and needs to
be accounted for through evidence from the workforce and creation of a culture that
respects diversity. Coca-Cola Company has diversity policies that promote inclusion of
diversity in their operations and treatment of their employees (Coca Cola, 2017). The
company has a diversity library and diversity education programs that provide
considerable opportunities to the entire workforce. In the current year 2017, a parental
policy has been introduced that offers paid paternal and maternal leave (Coca Cola,
2017). In 2013 Coca-Cola Company recognized the impact of women in leadership and
has since then adopted inclusion of women in senior management (McElhaney & Smith,
2016). There has also been a strategic prioritization of women in recruitment,
advancement and development. This move has increased Coca Cola’s initiative in the
global representation of women.
Leadership that encourages diversity in the workplace has a stronger employee force
and better performance in the industry (Randel et al, 2016). Employees from different
backgrounds and different genders are able to advice on diverse customers as they
have an ingrained knowledge of the preferences of these clients (Randel et al, 2016).
Diversity, therefore, saves costs for the company that would have gone into extensive
research since the management gets to have first-hand information. Gender differences
and diversity may, however, have negative impacts due to conflicts of interest such as
cases where women get more privileges at work than men due to the championing for
women rights. The leaders of the organization are therefore mandated to appropriately
address gender and diversity in a fair manner for every individual.
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 9
5.0 Global strategic leadership
Global leadership involves the various qualities and idealities that one as a leader may
require handling different cultures, alternative product lines and managerial challenges
(Reiche et al, 2017). It occurs when an individual or individuals navigate collaborative
efforts of different stakeholders through environmental complexity towards a vision by
leveraging a global mindset (Daft, 2014). Strategic global leadership requires a global
mindset where the company formally manages its global operations while still
maintaining relevance in the local region. Coca-Cola Company has achieved this based
on its worldwide distribution yet unique packaging according to the different countries
and cultures that the beverages are sold in (Coca Cola, 2017). Sustainability has
furthermore been adopted by the company in its global forum. Large multinational
companies are more restricted by sustainability compliance in comparison to local and
smaller companies. Being an international company Coca-Cola has an enormous effect
on the globe as a whole. They have a number of initiatives set up to give back to the
community .This is through the empowering of women by uniting with other top
consumer companies. They also support veterans and have provided jobs for a large
number worldwide. Coca cola as a company has made it a priority not only to supply the
public’s demand of their product but also to impact the society and make a difference.
In global strategic leadership, a leader with a global mindset standardizes the product
globally and is still able to customize it to the local region. Local customization requires
some flexibility in the region which is based on policies of the region that the company is
in, specifications and the needs of the consumer. Coca-Cola Company has
standardized its products such as the taste of the company’s product is the same in one
region as it is in another. However, in aspects such as marketing, the company has
adopted the use of regional languages and places to advertise its products. Global
leadership development is achieved through examination of global leaders who are fit to
lead the company at an international level (Reiche et al, 2017). Education on different
aspects of global leadership is also needed to familiarize the leader with global
leadership concepts. Experience makes the leader better qualified as well as exposure
to leadership in a global context.
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 10
Global leadership is however challenged by myriad factors and companies are more
susceptible to global impacts in comparison with local impacts due to their magnitude. It
is thus important for a global leadership strategy to be established to deal with risks and
any unexpected global concerns. Coca-Cola for instance is struggling to remain relevant
in the current era due to the social factor of health concerns about carbonated drinks
and sugar. The company has however adopted an alternative strategy where they
provide diet beverage.
6.0 Leadership development
Leadership development involves the enhancement of individual capacity to be
productive in leadership roles (Norris, 2017). There is evidence of success among
companies that have engaged their personnel in leadership development programs
(Norris, 2017). Development of individual leaders involves the improvement of the
abilities and attitudes of individual for better leadership. Among the issues addressed in
leadership development include the development of leaders that are self-aware;
development of leaders that are ethical; development of enterprise leaders;
development of women leaders; leadership development for a social change, focused
leadership, strategic change and performance management. The need for leadership
development has been brought about by demands from organizational boards, need to
manage competition and a growing technological era that requires integration of
different work styles and thus improved leadership (Norris, 2017). This development can
be enhanced or hindered by the personal characteristics and traits of the learner.
Successful leadership development programs are characterized by their impact on the
results of the organization, their inclusion of all levels of management and the creation
of opportunities for internal promotion (McCleskey, 2014). The benefits of leadership
development are thus positive outcomes on organizational results such as improved
performance, gaining of a competitive edge and the existence of a skilled, qualified and
capable workforce. There are different programs that offer leadership development
training and they can be integrated into the organization’s program or done outside the
work environment. A good number of companies have taken up leadership development
programs to better their leaders including the Coca-Cola Company. The beverage
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 11
company has a leadership academy that focuses on how to thrive in a business
environment that is dynamic and help their teams succeed (Coca Cola, 2017). Among
the programs that the learners participate in include being placed in scenarios without
warning and the expectation is that the learners think quickly on how to come out of the
situation (Coca Cola, 2017).
Inasmuch as leadership development programs are the norm in most organizations,
some are simply used at face value to give the organization a certain image.
Implementation among companies is limited and this is one of the challenges faced in
the execution of leadership development (Gurdijan et al, 2014). Furthermore, there are
companies that undervalue the leadership development programs in favor of production
activities and as such invest very little. Coca-Cola has however been steadfast in its
execution of the program with its leaders intensively overseeing the development
7.0 Leading Teams and Others
A leader is usually in charge of a number of people in an organization and how the
management of these people is done is an impact based on the purpose of leadership.
An organizational leader may be required to form groups or teams to implement
organizational tasks. A group is focused on independent work while a team coordinates
its work. Groups have an individual goal, individual accountability and individual
evaluation. A team, on the other hand, has collective goals, mutual accountability and
collective evaluation. Both groups and teams are important in the leadership of people
but the use of teams is best when high quality is needed with adequate time. There are
different kinds of leadership teams including laissez-faire, authoritarian, participative,
situational and transformational leadership teams (Khan et al, 2015). In laissez-faire, the
manager does not intervene in the operations and as such, there is no input from the
manager to the team. Authoritarian leadership has the leader directing the team in the
way he wants it to run. Participative leadership, on the other hand, is the best for team
building as every single personnel has a role in the department. Situational leadership
may involve a combination of participative and authoritarian leadership while in
transformational leadership there are drastic changes in the management of the team.
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 12
While the previous CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar Kent was focused on participative
leadership, the current CEO, James Quincey is more focused on transformational
leadership where he has made a lot of changes and shakeups in the team.
Contemporary leadership teams are faced with diverse challenges including
management of politics within the team particularly with a diverse workforce (Northouse,
2015). Furthermore, keeping the team sustainable may be dependent on the ability of
the leader to inspire the team members, a task that requires the leader to have personal
traits of a motivational leader (Northouse, 2015). Contemporary leadership teams also
face the challenge of developing the team where every team member has to be
mentored and coached to achieve an equal level with other members of the team. While
leading teams may pose challenges, there are different elements that help in the
effective management of teams and these include the establishment of goals,
determination of roles, the building of interpersonal relationships and governing the
standards and expectations of procedures and processes in the team (Northouse,
2015). The workplace culture of Coca-Cola encompasses a diverse team that
appreciates talent and ideas embrace multiculturalism (Coca Cola, 2017). The company
has teams based on the departments with a culture per region, effective communication
and a motivated team.
8.0 Conclusion
This paper has expounded on the importance of leadership in the management of
organizations through discussing leadership theories and different themes that affect
leadership. Using Coca-Cola Company as a suitable example, the paper recognizes the
current need to transformational leadership in a sustainable world but still establishes
that the leadership style in itself does not solve the entire problems of an organization
as it is not perfect. The discussion on the types of leaders, especially charismatic
leaders shows that the traits of an individual have great importance in leadership. This
paper has additionally highlighted the significance of teams, leadership development,
global leadership strategy and diversity in leadership for a sustainable business.
Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 13
9.0 Reference List
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Impact of Leadership on Organizational Sustainability 16

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