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satisfied and have proposed an extension of the framework that is used in targeting reduction of
tax rate of sugary drinks by including chocolate, sweets, and confectionaries that often have huge
sugar contents.
Majority of Americans have been on record endorsing the move to impose the tax on
sugary drinks to raise funds for children’s health programs, and preschool claims a recent poll
that was conducted in California. The results reveal higher levels of support than in national polls
that have been conducted in the recent past, which have revealed that majority of Americans are
opposed to taxing sodas, although their popularity has grown in recent past as official at the local
levels strive to get an amicable way deemed fit to mobilize resources. Research has previously
been used to gauge the support of the public for this taxation without necessarily relating this
kind of taxation to the aimed goal of raising funds for preschool education. About 57% of
respondents interviewed are in support of taxing soda and other sugary drinks that is aimed at
mobilizing resources to fund for poverty alleviation, funding preschool and other healthcare
programs such as reducing obesity, while on the other hand, 39 percent are opposed to the idea.
Americans are seen to be sharply fragmented in terms of their opinions on a number of sensitive
policies relating to food, including the question as to whether to do away with the drinks that are
sugary in nature and also sugary foods and whether it should be a requirement for restaurants to
indicate the counts of calories on their menus (Falbe et al. 1865-1871).
Effects of Excessive Sugar Intake
Taking huge quantities of sugar content may cause serious and aggravated health issues. Sugary
beverage intake is highly associated with an abnormal increase in weight and obesity
(Schwendicke, and Stolpe 17). Women drinking one or more sugary beverages on a daily basis
are exposed the risk of getting diabetic condition twice compared to those who take one or less