Implicit Association Tests
Many are the times when human interactions are characterized by discriminations racism
and bias. Sometimes the unequal treatments are either intentional or intrinsic. To explain these
biases in interaction, Anthony Greenwald and other scientific proponents came up with a tool
that could disclose the intrinsic biases of the individual in human interactions. The Implicit
Association Test (IAT) is a famous way of exploring the “hidden” biases that exist in individuals
when they express their views about different individuals on the basis of race, age, gender, and
sexuality. In endeavors of various students’ level of biasness being investigated, I happened to be
one of them. This essay elucidates my personal experience with the IAT and explains how
personal implicit biases promote understanding at various levels.
In the first test, I was required to sort out stimuli into two groups. The stimuli provided I
for the experiment was the first name and it was to be categorized in either the black or white
category. Through this, it was said that one would be able to know if I was unconsciously biased.
The second category required that I sort feeling into two categories while the third process I was
supposed to combine categories with feeling or stimuli created (Röhner &Thoss,2018). The
faster the response, the knowledgeable or biased one was said to be. The other four tasks were a
repetition of the previous tasks for instance; the fifth task was derived from the first task. Due to
the repetition in the tasks, the nervous feeling I had lessened up.
Personal implicit biasness is a type of bias that lies in our subconscious minds and one is
able to get it as he gets exposes to various kinds of people (Siers & Christiansen ,2008) When