Inequality Gap in U.S.A 2
Inequality Gap in U.S.A
Gender discrimination is the leading factor for gender pay gap. The discrepancy affects
most women in developing as well as established countries. Consequently, the disparity has
caused most men earning more than women. This injustice befalling women is, however,
regardless of skills, age or level of education. At some point, the choice of career has affected the
venturing of women in particular occupations that men have for long enjoyed. Generally, out of
this discrimination, men continue working more as well as earning more than women.
5. Comparison
Based on the desired goals, the intervention used for searching was evidence-based intervention
5.1 Effectiveness
5.1.1 Converging Economic roles
According to the talk by Claudio Goldin, the gender pay gap in the USA is indefinite. His
intervention which provides short-term solution suggests that the gender pay gap ranges from
14% to 46% and finally 76% (01:00). This inaccuracy has thus attracted more critics and
questions from the public. Nonetheless, the free thinker continues to argue that it is out of his
extensive reading that he settles on the figures (Wrohlich, K., 2017, p.430). Further, in his
defense, Claudia concludes that women make 77cts for every one dollar that men work for. The
American figures, however, differ with the other countries that line in comparison with the USA.
For instance, women in South Korea make 32Cts out of the men's dollar. Similarly, those in
Japan and Germany make 33Cts and 23Cts respectively. Surprisingly, the females in Hungary
make nothing out of the men’s one 1-Dollar work.