Surname 2
person can reject the influence of masculinization that is caused by androgenic gonadal
Besides, there is a syndrome that is known as testicular feminization where genetically
male kids are born with female genitalia and develop emotionally, physically and sexual identity
like women. In this case, male babies formulate undescended testicles as their bodies turn to
become impervious to testosterone. The body in this condition thinks testosterone is estrogen.
The outcome is that the boys turn out to be females (feminine men). The hormone testosterone is
broken into estradiol. Typical men have estrogen while women have testosterone under normal
circumstances but what matters most is balance and quantity.
The beginning of puberty is a brain event, not a gonadal event. Based on both internal
and external signals, the nervous system initiates gonadal maturation to complete the process of
egg and sperm development as well as stimulate physical changes in regions of the brain of an
adolescent. The volume of white matter increases over adolescence while gray matter initially
increases and then decreases to the adult volume in the early to mid-20s. Amygdalar and
hippocampal volumes grow in a manner that is sex-dependent. Hippocampal enlargement
transpires only in females, and amygdala enlargement happens specifically in the males.
Additionally, gonadal hormones manage behavioral and neural circuits in adolescents during
adolescence. Therefore, gonadal hormones play an essential role in the shaping of habits,
characters, and behaviors among teenagers who are in the adolescent stage. Nevertheless, they
help in the development of a difference in behaviors between male and female during
adolescence. The size of the nucleus that is contained in the hypothalamus of gay men is similar
to that of women rather than that of heterosexual men.