disposition or all copies or records found to have been made or used in the violation of
copyrights owner’s exclusive rights. Infringement is also known for affecting the economy of
the country but reducing the number of revenues being paid.
Remedies for infringement
Unless stated otherwise, an infringer of copyright is liable for either the copyrights owner actual
damages as well as any additional profit of the infringement. The copyright owner is entitled to
recover the actual damages suffered by him or her as a result of the infringement. Additionally,
the owner should improve any profits of the infringer that are attributed to the infringement and
are not taken into account when it comes to computing the actual damages. However, when it
comes to establishing the infringement profit that the owner was to incur, he or she is expected to
provide proof only of the infringer’s gross revenue. On the other hand, the offender is expected
to provide or prove his or her deductible expenses and the elements of profits which are
attributed to factors other than copyrighted work.
Additionally, the owner of the copyright may elect before the final judgment is rendered instead
of the actual damages and profits to be awarded statutory damages for all infringement involved
in the action. In some cases, the owner might sustain the burden of proving, and the court finds
that the infringement action was carried out willfully; the court has the right to increase the
statutory damages to a sum, not more than $150,000.
In cases where the infringer sustains the burden of proving and the court finds out that the
infringer was not aware or did not know that his or her actions were an infringement of
copyrights, the court may reduce the statutory damage to a fee not less than $200. However, the