Instructional Leadership rvsn

Instructional Leadership: Saudi Arabia Perspective
Instructional leadership has become very desirable across most of the schools in Saudi
Arabia. The teacher is considered to be the forefront regarding the achievement of the students,
though studies have revealed that school administrators play a crucial role as well. The perceived
failure of the public education system has prompted school administrators to devise ways of
ensuring that students not only achieves academically, but also are able to gain leadership skills
for their future endeavors (Bush, 2015). The sole aim of an instructional leader is to enhance the
quality of teaching within learning institution. The Saudi Government departments that are
concerned with education continue, with an emphasis on the need of incorporating instructional
leadership among the students and teachers. The report attempts to elaborate more on
instructional leadership and how it can be incorporated in students within Saudi Arabian schools.
Contextual Background on Instructional Leadership and its Functionality
Traditionally, the school teachers had been just educators, mentors, administrators and
coaches, but these roles have evolved over time due to changes in the education systems.
Initially, school principals were hired with the sole aim of saving the ailing school grades for
certain students. They even failed to take any leadership roles, concentrating more on the aspects
of political, managerial, environments rather than the effectiveness of the learning methods
(Bush, 2015). An improvement of into certain Modern teachers are more than just teachers and
are going beyond the classroom works into transforming mere schools into learning institutions.
There has been a reduced political priority with more favor being done to ensure that not only
students gain educational knowledge, but also acquire instructional leadership traits.
When such traits are distributed, it does not imply that the teacher delegates the entire
responsibility to another group of persons, but consequently remains aloof from the surrounding
of the students’ learning environments. It often involves interaction with other teachers and will
involve developing related course materials. The routines and structures which will promote
learning are well understood. The instructional leader will set the atmosphere for the whole
learning institution. In fact, research over the last 20 years has revealed that the instructional
leader will affect in the learning room and even work more into the culture of the school. This is
achieved by acts of modelling rather than the actual evaluation of teaching and even direct
Most people who enter the teaching profession as a school teacher intends to create a
difference in the students live. There are good reasons to focus on school leadership. The
significance of the principal's functions has never been bigger, taking into courtesy of the
national responsibility principles for learning institution and the probability that main
employment opportunities will rise shortly. Not only do efficient principals core attention on
programme and schooling, but they also comprehend teaching and possess the necessary in the
perspective of their staff. Studies have recently suggested that too often learning cultures
normally discourage a close analysis of education. Effective leadership can increase the level of
significance by inspecting curriculum benchmarks are benchmarked through the evaluation of
determinative assessments, grade books, student work and lesson logs
Principals often provide support instructional programs and activities by giving a model
of the expected behaviors, engaging in workforce development. Moreover, they steadily
prioritize instructional concerns on a daily basis. They usually strive to secure instructional time
by removing issues that would detract teachers from their instructional responsibilities.
Furthermore, principals in the operational institution are involved in instruction and work to avail
resources that keep tutors focused on student accomplishment in education.
Improving Instructional Proficiency by Instructional Leadership
To meet the challenges related to national and state expectations, principals should focus
on teaching and learningespecially regarding measurable student progressto a higher degree.
Consequently, today's principals focus on building a vision for their institutions, distributing
leadership with teachers, and inspiring schools to function as learning communities.
Accomplishing these necessary school improvement efforts needs gathering and assessing data
to determine needs, and observing instruction and curriculum to figure out if the identified needs
are attended. This chapter reviews existing research linked to instructional leadership and
methods, principals use to exhibit and connect that leadership to meet their school goals. In
particular, it will emphasize the following goals:
(i) Building and withstanding a school vision
(ii) Sharing leadership
(iii)Leading a learning community
(iv) Using data to make instructional choices
(v) Monitoring curriculum and instruction
Obviously, multiple role prospects exist for school leaders. All schools require principals
to practice their roles as instructional leaders who safeguard the quality of instruction. Thus,
there is a must to spend time in classrooms scrutinizing the process of teaching and learning
while also balancing other needs such as student wellbeing and parent relationships. Fulfilling
these multiple tasks well requires principals to have an inner compass that always points them
toward the future interests of the school, never missing the sight of their schools' visions,
missions, and goals.
Effective principals know that it is vital to establish clear learning goals and garner
school-wideand even community wide a commitment to these goals. The progress of a clear
vision and goals for learning is stressed by principals of high-performing schools. They hold
high hopes that teachers and students will meet these targets and hold themselves answerable to
the success of the school. These principals provide open support for teachers and are viewed as
possessing the skill to foster positive interpersonal relationships. They protect instructional time
by reducing loudspeaker announcements and organizing, building maintenance to reduce
disruptions. They guarantee that student development is monitored through the frequent
aggregation and disaggregation of pupil’s performance data that are directly linked to the
school's mission and goals. Principals of high-achieving schools are certain that they will achieve
their vision and goals despite challenges and hold ups and, thus, act as role models for Students
and staff. When significant achievements are met, those successful results rejoice.
Application of Instructional Leadership in Schools within Saudi Arabia
To ensure the success of students in their endeavors the school leadership should always
possess skills and knowledge that will enable them fully assess the performance of the teacher.
This aspect will even allow the head to know effective and ineffective teachers. This trait enables
the students to gain a quality education that will consequently assist them. Weak instructions will
be quickly noted and relevant action is taken. Studies in the Saudi Arabian Schools on the impact
of Instructional Leadership on Student performance indicate that effective instructional
leadership enables:
(i) Students and teachers to follow a common curriculum framework by promoting a
coherence instructional system.
(ii) Students to steer the school curriculum and even prioritize staff development
(iii)Teachers to implement the learning institution instructions effectively and moreover
monitor the instructions.
(iv) Stakeholder in a learning institution to share an in-depth knowledge of instructions with
each other.
(v) The students to have model behaviors of what the society expects them to be.
(vi) The teachers to have proper monitoring of the school curriculum and ensure that all the
standards have been fulfilled
(vii) Effective principals possess knowledge of the curriculum and good instructional
practices and, subsequently, focus their attention in their schools on curriculum and
(viii) Teachers and students to support each other through conversations and keen
(ix) Teachers utilize adequate time in classrooms to effectively coordinate curriculum
implementation and quality instructional practices
(x) Students and students to use the learning institutions as a vehicle for improvement and
professional growth.
Tradition Islamic education trains Saudi boys to become participants of the Ulema
(religious clergy). The religious secondary school syllabus includes the secondary general
education, but mainly focuses mainly on Islamic and Arabic studies. Religious secondary schools
are governed by Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in conjunction with the Islamic
University of Medina. These schools, along with religious ones, parallel the secular system.
These are secular, western-oriented schools established after World War II. However, a bigger
part of the new curriculum majors mainly on religion which is the understanding of the Quran,
memorization, its interpretation and the application of Islamic belief and traditions to everyday
life. Religion is also part of University Education and it is compulsory for all students. There are
also two Universities (mentioned above) which deals primarily with religious studies.
The total expenditure for higher education (Women’s colleges, Universities and the
Ministry of Higher Education) was estimated to be US$2.5 billion in 1985 (IBEAHEEM,
ELAWADY & RAGMOUN, 2018). This amount is about 3.6% of the total Saudi Arabia Budget
and 34% percent of the total education budget.
Usually, an instructional leadership environment will comprise of a vigorous moral
objective solely focused On:
(i) Fostering in-depth student learning,
(ii) Professional review of the classroom work
(iii)Advocating for trusting relationships with various learning institutions
(iv) Pursuing proof in action.
Effective instructional leadership will often require awareness of normal managerial
functions involved
(i) Overseeing any considerable institution.
(ii) Development of a secure and conducive learning environment
(iii) Efficient control those students who may be in need
(iv) Recognizing teachers who are doing it right in the learning environments
(v) Giving them emotional support and guidance
Instructional and educational require more than a spot on a hierarchical institutional
chart. The practice and quality of such leadership at each level have a demonstrable effect on
institutional health in general and on student achievement in particular
To improve proficiency in learning students, various pillars need to be incorporated into
the system. One of the success factors of efficiency in students is their relationship with the
teachers. As students are often deemed to be the future leaders, they are bound to wear many hats
by the many situations they may be in. This is often described as the balancing act where they
should be proficient in such areas by being able to move from one role to another.
Instructional leadership involves some skills which are essential to the success of any
practical leader in learning institutions. Some of the leadership skills may include:
a. Always being visible and accessible
Instructional leadership trait in students, assists them in focusing on objectives, modelling
the learning behaviors and most importantly leading by example. They have hence to ensure that
their availability is felt by others and should be positive and vibrant in most of the times. This
plays a very significant role in ensuring that the students remain solely focused on meeting the
objectives which have been set.
b. Efficient communication skills
Having interpersonal skills plays an essential role in promoting instructional leadership.
Excellent communicators are often able to communicate their views on education, for instance
encouraging the students on the need of taking education wisely. This enhances the student-
teacher relationship and greatly improves the learning environment.
c. Effective use of resources
Leaders should always ensure that they fully understand both the weaknesses and
strengths of the departments’ members. They should at all times be ready to provide specific
resources that would benefit the member of the various departments within the learning
institutions. Student leaders should also lead the other students in appreciating the teachers who
play a great role in transforming their lives. This prepare them in becoming responsible people
within the society in the future.
Several recent research studies have revealed that learning institutions leaders, create a
great impact on most of the student learning (Leithwood & Seashore-Louis, 2011; Robinson,
2011). A study conducted by Vivian Robinson in 2011 by analyzing 30 studies which inspected
the outcome of educational leadership on student studies. The analyses of the learning identified
several varying leadership traits that made a noteworthy variance in student learning.
Leadership Practice
Instituting objectives and expectations
Strategic resourcing
Leadership Practice
Guaranteeing effective and quality teaching
Promoting learning and development by teachers
Maintaining an orderly and secure environment
(Şişman, 2016)
Normally the noted leadership dimensions and practices inform the leader where to put
their focus to create an impact on the process of student learning. On the other hand, these
aspects reveal very minimal about the dispositions, skills and knowledge that may be needed to
create dimensions or the practices of work (Leithwood & Wahlstrom, 2008)
Robinson challenges the existence of the three capabilities which may be needed to
engross in these actions:
(i) The capability to adopt a pertinent kill within a leader’s exercise
(ii) The capability to unravel complex glitches.
(iii) The capability to the method of conviction which is needed for performing the
complicated tasks of enhancing and strengthening both the aspect of teaching and
teacher learning in general.
Additionally, Helen Timperley disagrees with the consent that in case the principals lead
the lead the teacher learning and educational development they must have a substantial
understanding of the teachers. They need to just understand what their teachers already
comprehend and do well and times when teachers need to learn. Moreover, they should also
learn and do what creates a difference between a teacher and a student learning. Principals learn
to act as lead teachers in learning and development when they, by themselves, commence a
process of sequences of inquiry for leadership learning (Şişman, 2016). This will, in the end, be
passed to the students who will have been equipped with the necessary skills in future.
The functions of any instructional leader are often expanded to include a deviation from
the just the aspect of management. It should put a more emphatic shift to the aspect of leadership
rather than pure administration. For this to be successful, it is of utter importance to include a
redefinition of the roles attributed to the instructional leader. A mere manager with however
strong ideas and opinions he may possess will not be enough to ensure the success of the
students and the institution at large. Moreover, the blockades to this type of leadership should be
immediately removed. This can be done by dropping the emphasis on bureaucratic procedures
and structures and consequently reinventing the learning relationship (Friesen, 2018).
The varying functions of the leaders in the learning institutions as an instructional leader
has for a time been illustrated as one which should emphasize developing a significant
community of learners. It should also be shared in decision-making and, in a sense, getting back
to basics. It must necessitate
(i) An aspect of time leverage
(ii) The support of ongoing professional development for staff members,
(iii) Creation of an integral and effective climate
(iv) Development of a support a universal educational game plan by use of available
(v) Creation of opportunity for inquiry and enhancement.
For the instructional leaders to entirely survive in the functions related to managerial,
they will have to work to unshackle themselves from being stalled in the inflexible attributes of
teaching. Consequently, they are forced to enhance their endeavors in enhancing the teaching
techniques. Perfection in instructional techniques is a goal which is notably worth seeking. If it is
successfully applied, both the instructional teaching and learning will permit the learners as well
as the leaders to develop a more significant in a conducive environment. Ultimately, it will allow
them to fully be in control of their future.
Instructional leadership is essential in encouraging students to gain relevant skills needed
to cope with various challenges in life; whether in school and even after formal education. This
makes them to be responsible people in the society and can be able to make independent
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Bush, T. (2015). Understanding instructional leadership. Educational Management
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